Стартовал прием заявок на конференцию 4S

Центр исследований науки и технологий
Николай Руденко; Андрей Кузнецов; Лилия Земнухова

Конференция 4S, которая в 2020 году пройдет в Праге, утвердила список секций и начинает прием докладов. В рамках конференции Центр STS организует секцию, посвященную автономному транспорту: Highs’ and ‘Lows’ of the Emerging Automated-Vehicles-Worlds: Location, Visibility & Alternative Futures. 

Организаторы — Николай Руденко, Лилия Земнухова и Андрей Кузнецов. Заявки принимаются на электронный адрес nckrd@mail.ru.

О секции

154. ‘Highs’ and ‘Lows’ of the Emerging Automated-Vehicles-Worlds: Location, Visibility and Alternative Futures

An international media hype surrounding autonomous vehicles’ (AV) developments and tests conducted by multinational giants like Google and Tesla seem to obscure the whole world of small and scarcely visible actors. There is a variety of enterprises located at the periphery of the emerging world of AVs. Their marginal position may be construed as ‘backwardness’ without any hope to catch up with the ‘leaders’. However, it could be understood as a source of alternative sociotechnical imageries and designs of AVs. The ‘lows’ of the emerging AV-world are usually located in places and/or countries with the lack of access to global markets and investments. Their testing venues either too artificial or too harsh and messy. Though, AV projects proliferate in companies and countries that are not at the top of this world. They may bring about alternative designs and algorithms able to reshape and alter the futures of the AV-worlds technologically, socially, ethically.

Session suggests a comparative discussion on AV projects both at the center and periphery of this emerging world. How territorial and network locations of AV makers, planners, entrepreneurs, and visioners matter? How multiple are techno-socio-eco-legal AV designs? What (in)compatible sociotechnical imaginaries we can find here? Do they reproduce existing divides and inequalities? What challenges AV multiplicities pose to existing practices and images of mobilities, urbanity, governance, digitalization, energy use?

We invite papers from STS as well as neighboring fields (mobilities, human geography, user anthropology, etc.). We particularly welcome scholars who study AV projects beyond Euro-American world.

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