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Welcome to Saint Petersburg and EUSP Summer School ‘25

Within two full weeks the summer school participants will have the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of Russia within the Eurasian space, analyzing it from historical and contemporary, theoretical and practical perspectives. The students will be engaged in thoughtful discussions with Russian and Post-Soviet studies experts gathered in St. Petersburg and visit landmarks of special significance to Russia’s past and present.

The Center for Institutional Analysis of Science and Education has won a grant from the Potanin Foundation in the Institutional Experience category

The CIANO training project is aimed at providing representatives of different disciplines with the opportunity to learn from each other's experience and jointly understand the stages of preparing complex publications. This involves a review of contemporary scholarly literature based on a formalized analysis of large arrays of publications.

A Global Ranking of Expert Knowledge on Russia shows high Interest in the region

The European University at St. Petersburg has investigated which countries and universities produce globally sought-after knowledge about Russia, and on the basis of more than thirty thousand academic articles, has developed a scientometric rating of universities and research institutes.

In conjunction with the company Solopharm, The European University's paleogenomics laboratory has begun operations

Researchers from the European University at St. Petersburg, the Institute of the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the State Hermitage Museum conducted the first series of experiments on DNA isolation from historical samples in the clean rooms of the paleogenomics laboratory located at the Solopharm pharmaceutical plant.