The "Pushkin – St. Petersburg" Marathon, a European University tradition: a team of EUSP athletes represents the university


On September 15, in what has become a tradition, a team from the European University took part in the "Pushkin – St. Petersburg" marathon. This is the oldest such race in Russia; 2024 marked the 97th time it has been run.

The EUSP community was represented by:

  • At the ten kilometer distance

- Yulia Boronnikova, second year student in the MA program "Political Processes and Institutions"

- Ivan Naumov, EUSP PhD student, graduate of the "Political Theory" program

  • At the thirty kilometer distance (there were especially many participants this year)

- Vadim Volkov, Rector of the European University

- Rostislav Domzho, second year MA student in the School of Arts and Cultural Heritage

- Nikolay Andreev, student of the PANDAN (Applied Data Analysis) program

- Irina Kolochenko, student in the Masters of Meanings program

- Timur Bocharov, a 2009 graduate of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, researcher at the Institute for the Rule of Law

- Maxim Buev, a 1999 EUSP graduate of the Faculty of Economics, Vice-Rector for Projects, New Economic School.

- Alexander Bertov, a 2020 graduate of the Faculty of Political Sciences

We are grateful to the organizers of the event and everyone who represented the European University at the competition and those who came to support the team as fans. Congratulations to our runners. We are very proud of you!