
EUSP is a non-governmental university. The key principles of its governance are responsibility, collegiality and meritocracy.

Determination of the main directions of development of the University, election of the rector, decision-making on the main strategic issues, and control over the activities of the University are the prerogative of the General Meeting of Founders — the highest governing body of the EUSP.

The Rector is responsible for the day-to-day management of the University.

The functions of the Board of Trustees include a preliminary review of issues of university management, including those that fall within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting of Founders, and to make its own conclusions and recommendations on those issues. The General Meeting of Founders and the Rector are required to take into account the opinion of the Board of Trustees.

The Academic Council is responsible for planning the educational and scholarly activities of the University; the Council has a number of standing committees.