Транснациональная и глобальная история

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Приглашаем вас ознакомиться с виртуальной выставкой книг, подготовленной сотрудниками библиотеки ЕУСПб и приуроченной к началу ежегодной конференции "Дни компаративистики в Европейском". В этот раз конференция посвящена стремительно набирающему популярность направлению современных исторических исследований – транснациональной истории. Это направление впервые заявило о себе в 90-е годы минувшего XX века; ученые, сделавшие его своим знаменем, делают акцент на культурных трансферах, технологических инновациях, идеологических влияниях, т.е. на связях, коммуникациях, обменах поверх существующих границ.

Коллекция формируется в библиотеке ЕУСПб с 2011 года (момента создания в университете профессуры по исторической компаративистике) и к настоящему моменту насчитывает несколько десятков томов; среди них – труды Себастьяна Конрада, Юргена Остерхаммеля, Маттиаса Мидделла и других знатоков глобальной и транснациональной истории.

Желаю увлекательного чтения!

М.М. Кром,
доктор исторических наук,
профессор исторической компаративистики ЕУСПб



0060075The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History / ed.: A. Iriye, P. -Y. Saunier. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - 1226 p. - ISBN 978-1-4039-9295-6

"The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History" is written by over 350 authors from 25 countries and numerous subject disciplines. They share the belief that modern world history must be understood, not simply as a sum of national histories or a chronicle of inter-state affairs, but also as a story of connections and circulation, by people, goods, ideas and skills. These are not always confined to any particular country or region of the world, nor are they identifiable with states or governments. The essence of history can only be fully understood by following the flows, ties and appropriations they trigger across borders. Even such familiar items as taxation, the Cold War or beauty take on fresh significance when they are viewed in the framework, not of national or international affairs but of transnational relations and interactions. This unique volume provides scholars and students with an easy-to-use reference tool of over 400 entries to further their understanding of modern world history. Akira Iriye is Charles Warren Research Professor of American History, Harvard University, USA, and a past president of the American Historical Association. Pierre-Yves Saunier is a researcher with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in Lyon, France

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0056979Comparative and Transnational History : Central European Approaches and New Perspectives / ed.: H. -G. Haupt, J. Kocka. - New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, 2009. - 294 p. - Bibliography : p. 276 - 290. - ISBN 978-1-84545-615-3

Since the 1970s West German historiography has been one of the main arenas of international comparative history. It has produced important empirical studies particularly in social history as well as methodological and theoretical reflections on comparative history. During the last twenty years however, this approach has felt pressure from two sources: cultural historical approaches, which stress microhistory and the construction of cultural transfer on the one hand; and on the other, global history and transnational approaches with emphasis on connected history. This volume introduces the reader to some of the major methodological debates and to recent empirical research of German historians, who do comparative and transnational work

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0058649Transnationale Geschichte : Themen, Tendenzen und Theorien / hrsg.: G. Budde, S. Conrad, O. Janz. - 2. Auflage. - Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010. - 320 S. - Articles are in English and German. - ISBN 978-3-525-36736-0

Die Intemationalisierung der Geschichtswissenschaft steht auf der Agenda. Neuere Darstellungen und Untersuchungen orientieren sich zunehmend an transnationalen Fragestellungen und globalen Zusammenhängen. Dieser Band bietet einen ersten fundierten Überblick über Themen und theoretische Grundlegungen und Tendenzen dieser Entwicklung. Vom historischen Vergleich über die europäische Geschichte und die Postcolonial Studies bis zu globalgeschichtlichen Perspektiven stellen die Autoren die wichtigsten Konzepte einer transnationalen Historiographie vor. Mit Beiträgen von Partha Chatterjee, Patrick Karl O'Brien, Natalie Zemon Davis, Gerald D. Feldman, Etienne Francois, Victoria de Grazia, Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, Manfred Hildermeier, Georg G. Iggers, Peter Jelavich, Hartmut Kaelble, John Keane, Dieter Langewiesche, Marcel van der Linden, Charles S. Maier, Michael Mann, Jürgen Osterhammel, Emma Rothschild, David Warren Sabean, James J. Sheehan, Shulamit Volkov, Hans-Ulrich Wehler und Moshe Zimmermann

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0059737Jenseits des Eurozentrismus : postkoloniale Perspektiven in den Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften / hrsg.: S. Conrad, S. Randeria, R. Romhild. - 2., erweiterte Auflage. - Frankfurt ; New York : Campus Verlag, 2013. - 560 S. - ISBN 978-3-593-39517-3

Dieses Standardwerk enthält zentrale Texte zu postkolonialen Ansätzen in den Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften. Es lädt dazu ein, die europäische Geschichte im Kontext von Kolonialismus und Imperialismus neu zu denken und den Blick zu öffnen für die Verflechtungen zwischen der europäischen und der außereuropäischen Welt. Die 2., erweiterte Auflage wurde um aktuelle Texte ergänzt, die das postkoloniale Europa der Gegenwart beleuchten. Die Einleitung zur Neuauflage erörtert, warum eine postkoloniale Perspektive unerlässlich ist - ebenso für die gegenwärtige Wissensproduktion wie für ein kritisches Verständnis heutiger europäischer Gesellschaften und Politik

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0065638Конрад, Себастьян. Что такое глобальная история / С. Конрад ; пер. с англ. А. Степанов, науч. ред., авт. предисл. А. Семенов. - М. : Новое литературное обозрение, 2018. - 310 с. - (Интеллектуальная история). - Библиогр. в подстрочных прим. - Пер. изд. : What is Global History? / S. Conrad. - Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford, 2016. - ISBN 978-5-4448-0782-8

Книга рассказывает об одном из наиболее динамично развивающихся направлений в современной исторической науке - глобальной истории. В увлекательной и лаконичной форме определяются амбиции и границы этого направления. Каким образом глобальная оптика помогает понять локальные события и процессы? Что ускользает за пределы анализа, ограничивающегося рамками национальной истории? Как акцент на взаимосвязях, пронизывавших мир задолго на наступления эпохи глобализации, позволяет дать голос тем, кто лишился его в ходе колонизации и эпистемологического доминирования европейского взгляда на мир? Каков политический и культурный потенциал глобальной истории и каковы возможные опасности нерефлексивного применения этого подхода? Таков далеко не полный список проблем, затронутых в книге немецкого историка, профессора Свободного университета в Берлине Себастьяна Конрада

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0059367Sachsenmaier, Dominic. Global Perspectives on Global History : Theories and Approaches in a Connected World / D. Sachsenmaier. - Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourne : Cambridge University Press, 2011. - 331 p. - Bibliography : p. 246 - 324. - ISBN 978-0-521-17312-4

In recent years, historians across the world have become increasingly interested in transnational and global approaches to the past. However, the debates surrounding this new border-crossing movement have remained limited in scope as theoretical exchanges on the tasks, responsibilities, and potentials of global history have been largely confined to national or regional academic communities. In this groundbreaking book, Dominic Sachsenmaier sets out to redress this imbalance by offering a series of new perspectives on the global and local flows, sociologies of knowledge, and hierarchies that are an intrinsic part of historical practice. Taking the United States, Germany, and China as his main case studies, he reflects upon the character of different approaches to global history as well as their social, political, and cultural contexts. He argues that this new global trend in historiography needs to be supported by a corresponding increase in transnational dialogue, cooperation, and exchange. Dominic Sachsenmaier is Assistant Professor of Trans-Cultural and Chinese History at Duke University

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Global Intellectual History / ed.: S. Moyn, A. Sartori. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2015. - 342 p. - (Columbia Studies in International and Global History). - ISBN 978-0-231-16049-0

Teaching scholars of intellectual history to incorporate transnational perspectives into their work, while also recommending how to confront the challenges and controversies that may arise, this original resource explains the concepts, concerns, practice, and promise of "global intellectual history", featuring essays by leading scholars on various approaches that are taking shape across the discipline. The contributors to "Global Intellectual History" explore the different ways in which one can think about the production, dissemination, and circulation of "global" ideas and ask whether global intellectual history can indeed produce legitimate narratives. They also discuss how intellectuals and ideas fit within current conceptions of global frames and processes of globalization and proto-globalization, and they distinguish between ideas of the global and those of the transnational, identifying what each contributes to intellectual history. A crucial guide, this collection sets conceptual coordinates for readers eager to map an emerging area of study. Samuel Moyn is professor of law and history at Harvard University. Andrew Sartori is associate professor of history at New York University

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Global Gifts : the Material Culture of Diplomacy in Early Modern Eurasia / ed.: Z. Biedermann, A. Gerritsen, G. Riello. - Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourne : Cambridge University Press, 2018. - 301 p. : il. - ISBN 978-1-108-41550-7

This anthology explores the role that art and material goods played in diplomatic relations and political exchanges between Asia, Africa, and Europe in the early modern world. The authors challenge the idea that there was a European primacy in the practice of gift giving through a wide panoramic review of diplomatic encounters between Europeans (including the Portuguese, French, Dutch, and English) and Asian empires (including Ottoman, Persian, Mughal, Sri Lankan, Chinese, and Japanese cases). They examine how those exchanges influenced the global production and circulation of art and material culture, and explore the types of gifts exchanged, the chosen materials, and the manner of their presentation. "Global Gifts" establishes new parameters for the study of the material and aesthetic culture of Eurasian relations before 1800, exploring the meaning of artistic objects in global diplomacy and the existence of economic and aesthetic values mutually intelligible across cultural boundaries. Zoltan Biedermann is Associate Professor and Head of Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies at University College London. Anne Gerritsen is Professor of History and directs the Global History and Culture Centre at the University of Warwick. Giorgio Riello is Professor of Global History and Culture at the University of Warwick

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0063444Osterhammel, Jurgen. The Transformation of the World : a Global History of the Nineteenth Century / J. Osterhammel ; transl. P. Camiller. - Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2014. - 1167 p. - (America in the World). - Bibliography : p. 1021 - 1118. - Пер. изд. : Die Verwandlung der Welt / J. Osterhammel. - Munchen, 2009. - ISBN 978-0-691-16980-4

A comprehensive examination of the nineteenth century, "The Transformation of the World" offers a panoramic portrait of a world in flux. Jurgen Osterhammel, a scholar who has been called the Braudel of the nineteenth century, moves beyond conventional Eurocentric and chronological accounts of the era to present a sophisticated global history of breathtaking magnitude and towering erudition. From New York to New Delhi, from Latin American revolutions to the Taiping Rebellion, Osterhammel examines myriad powerful and diverse forces that facilitated global change and spearheaded advancement. In the context of increased interconnectivity across vast terrain and ocean, he provocatively evaluates the changing relationship between humans and nature, the importance of cities, and movements that propelled the emergence of new nations. An indispensable book, "The Transformation of the World" offers a fresh perspective on the emergence of global modernity. Jurgen Osterhammel is professor of modern and contemporary history at the University of Konstanz. He is the coauthor of "Globalization : a Short History" and a coeditor of "A History of the World"

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0056981Osterhammel, Jurgen. Globalization : a Short History / J. Osterhammel, N. P. Petersson ; transl. D. Geyer. - Princeton, N.J. ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2005. - 182 p. - Bibliography : p. 171 - 180. - Пер. изд. : Geschichte der Globalisierung : Dimensionen Prozesse, Epochen / J. Osterhammel, N. P. Petersson. - Munchen, 2003. - ISBN 978-0-691-13395-9

"Globalization" has become a popular buzzword for explaining today's world. The word achieved stardom in the 1990s and was soon embraced by the general public and integrated into numerous languages. But is this much-discussed phenomenon really an invention of modern times? In this work, Jurgen Osterhammel and Niels Petersson make the case that globalization is not so new, after all. Arguing that the world did not turn "global" overnight, the book traces the emergence of globalization over the past seven or eight centuries. In the end, the authors write, today's globalization is part of a long-running transformation and not a new "global age" that is radically different from anything that came before. Jurgen Osterhammel is professor of modern and contemporary history at the University of Konstanz. Niels P. Petersson is senior lecturer in history at Sheffield Hallam University

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0059144Osterhammel, Jurgen. Die Verwandlung der Welt : eine Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts / J. Osterhammel. - Munchen : Verlag C. H. Beck, 2013. - 1568 S. - Bibliographie : S. 1421 - 1524. - ISBN 978-3-406-64435-1

In dieser Weltgeschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts erzählt Jürgen Osterhammel facettenreich die Geschichte einer Welt im Umbruch. Aus einer Fülle an Material und einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Blickwinkel entsteht das Porträt einer faszinierenden Epoche. Osterhammel fragt nach Strukturen und Mustern, markiert Zäsuren und Kontinuitäten, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede. Seine kulturübergreifenden, thematisch aufgefächerten Darstellungen und Analysen verbinden sich dabei zu einem Geschichtspanorama, das nicht nur traditionelle eurozentrische Ansätze hinter sich lässt, sondern auch erheblich mehr bietet als die gängigen historiographischen Paradigmen wie Industrialisierung oder Kolonialismus. Die Herausbildung unterschiedlicher Wissensgesellschaften, das Verhältnis Mensch-Natur oder der Umgang mit Krankheit und Andersartigkeit kommen darin ebenso zur Sprache wie Besonderheiten der Urbanisierung, verschiedene Formen von Bürgerlichkeit oder die Gegensätze von Migration und Sesshaftigkeit, Anpassung und Bevolte, Säkularisierung und Religiosität. Zugleich stellt Osterhammel immer wieder Bezüge zur Gegenwart her. Auf der Höhe der Forschung, engagiert geschrieben und zugleich wohltuend unideologisch, ist sein Werk nicht nur ein Handbuch für jeden Historiker. Seine plastischen Schilderungen ziehen auch den interessierten Laien in den Bann eines Jahrhunderts, dessen Bedeutung in dieser welthistorisch angelegten Epochengeschichte ganz neu ausgelotet wird. Jurgen Osterhammel ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte an der Universität Konstanz

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0056914Osterhammel, Jurgen. Geschichtswissenschaft jenseits des Nationalstaats : Studien zu Beziehungsgeschichte und Zivilisationsvergleich / J. Osterhammel. - Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001. - 384 S. - (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft ; Band 147). - ISBN 3-525-35162-3

Die deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft ist in weiten Teilen von einer nationalgeschichtlichen Perspektive gekennzeichnet. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes sind ein Einspruch gegen diese einseitige Prägung. Jürgen Osterhammel behandelt verschiedene Themen der Weltgeschichte unter den Aspekten von Vergleich und Beziehungsgeschichte, wobei neben den politischen andere Beziehungen wie etwa Kulturtransfers einbezogen werden. Dem Autor geht es darum, Amerika, Asien, Afrika und Ozeanien in den Horizont einer "normalen" Geschichtswissenschaft zu integrieren. Neben eine nationalgeschichtliche und eine auf Europa zielende Historie könnte so eine Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht treten

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0059581 1Transnational Challenges to National History Writing / European Science Foundation (Strasbourg) ; ed.: M. Middell, L. Roura. - Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - 533 p. - (Writing the Nation Series). - Bibliography : p. 444 - 516. - ISBN 978-0-230-50007-5

A five-year-long cooperation between historians from all over Europe, this collection offers the first in-depth analysis of the various ways to write and to conceptualize history beyond the nation-state-container. Examples discussed range from world and global history to regional, imperial, and European frames for the understanding of history. Authors combine comparative approaches with those analyzing entanglements between the historiographies in various European countries.The volume argues that there is a prehistory to the current interest in transnational history, that is, a longer tradition of the transnationalization of historical culture and historical science. It seeks to substantiate the claim that history writing reflected the globality of its time as much as it followed the nationalization of the societies in which it was produced

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0059171Baldwin, Peter. The Narcissism of Minor Differences : How America and Europe are Alike : an Essay in Numbers / P. Baldwin. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. - 321 p. - ISBN 978-0-19-983682-6

There is much heated rhetoric about the widening gulf between Europe and America. But are they so different? Peter Baldwin thinks not, and in this bracing and remarkably informed polemic, he lays out how similar the two regions really are. Drawing on the latest evidence from sources such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the IMF, Baldwin offers a fascinating comparison of the United States and Europe, looking at the latest statistics on the economy, crime, health care, education, religion, the environment, and much more. It is a book filled with surprising revelations. For most categories of crime, for instance, America is safe by European standards. But the biggest surprise is that, though there are many differences between America and Europe, in almost all cases, the gaps are no greater than the differences among European nations. Europe and the US are, in fact, part of a common, big-tent grouping. America is not Sweden, for sure. But nor is Italy Sweden, nor France, nor even Germany. And who says that Sweden is Europe? Anymore than Vermont is America? Peter Baldwin is Professor of History at UCLA. He is the author of "Disease and Democracy", "Contagion and the State in Europe, 1830 - 1930", and "The Politics of Social Solidarity"

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0066042De-Centering State Making : Comparative and International Perspectives / ed.: J. Bartelson, M. Hall, J. Teorell. - Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, US : Edward Elgar, 2018. - 239 p. - ISBN 978-1-78811-298-7

State making has long been regarded as a European development, both historically and geographically. In this innovative book, the authors add fresh insights into the nature and causes of state making by de-centering this Eurocentric viewpoint through simultaneous changes of conceptual, theoretical and empirical focus. "De-Centering State Making" combines knowledge from comparative politics and international relations, creating a more holistic perspective that moves away from the widespread idea that state making and war are intrinsically linked. The book uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to examine historical and contemporary cases of state making as well as non European ones, providing an in-depth analysis of the nature and causes of state making, historically as well as in a modern, global environment. This timely book is an invaluable read for international relations and comparative politics scholars. It will also greatly benefit those teaching advanced undergraduate and graduate courses on state making as it provides a fresh take on the art of state making in a modern world. Jens Bartelson, Martin Hall and Jan Teorell are in the Department of Political Science at Lund University, Sweden

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0065921New Perspectives on the History of Gender and Empire : Comparative and Global Approaches / ed.: U. Lindner, D. Lerp. - London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. - 307 p. - ISBN 978-1-350-05631-2

"New Perspectives on the History of Gender and Empire" extends our understanding of the gendered workings of empires, colonialism and imperialism, taking up recent impulses from gender history, new imperial history and global history. The authors apply new theoretical and methodological approaches to historical case studies around the globe in order to redefine the complex relationship between gender and empire. The chapters deal not only with "typical" colonial empires like the British Empire, but also with those less well-studied, such as the German, Russian, Italian and U.S. empires. They focus on various imperial formations, from colonies in Africa or Asia to settler colonial settings like Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, to imperial peripheries like the Dodecanese or the Black Sea Steppe. The book deals with key themes such as intimacy, sexuality and female education, as well as exploring new aspects like the complex marriage regimes some empires developed or the so-called "servant debates". It also presents several ways in which imperial formations were structured by gender and other categories like race, class, caste, sexuality, religion, and citizenship. Offering new reflections on the intimate and personal aspects of gender in imperial activities and relationships, this is an important volume for students and scholars of gender studies and imperial and colonial history

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0065335Stanziani, Alessandro. Batisseurs d'empires : Russie, Chine at Inde a la croisee des mondes, XVe - XIXe siecle / A. Stanziani. - Paris : Raisons d'agir, 2012. - 191 p. - (Cours et travaux). - ISBN 978-2-912-10767-1

Entre le XVIe et le XVIIIe siècle, trois parmi les plus grands Empires de l’époque moderne voient le jour ou se consolident en Russie, en Chine et en Inde (avec les Moghols). Cet ouvrage rend compte de cet essor sans précédent. Dans les steppes d’Asie centrale autant qu’en Inde, la lutte pour les chevaux est impitoyable; leur alimentation et celle des hommes est tout aussi importante que la qualité des sabres. Au-delà, l’organisation militaire exige une discipline, une administration fiscale et un système de recrutement sans faille. En Inde, des guerriers ascètes combattent à côté de paysans affamés et des cavaliers rajputs; dans les steppes d’Asie centrale, les cosaques déferlent à côté des cavaliers nomades ; en Chine enfin, des paysans han, des criminels ordinaires et des guerriers mandchous sont recrutés. Les relations entre paysans, seigneurs, soldats et administration dessinent une architecture complexe. Jusque vers le milieu du XVIIIe siècle, ces trois Empires sont parmi les plus puissants au monde et personne n’aurait misé sur la suprématie mondiale de l’Europe. Pourtant, un siècle plus tard, cette hiérarchie aura été complètement bouleversée. L’Occident domine la planète, mais pour combien de temps? Alessandro Stanziani, auteur majeur du changement de perspective propre à l’histoire globale, explique dans ce livre les raisons, et les ressorts, de ce prodigieux retournement

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0065331The Oxford Handbook of World History / ed. J. H. Bentley. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2013. - 613 p. - ISBN 978-0-19-968606-3

"The Oxford Handbook of World History" presents thirty-two essays by leading historians in their respective fields. The chapters address the most important issues explored by contemporary world historians. These broadly fall into four categories: conceptions of the global past, themes in world history, processes of world history, regions in world history. Chapters on conceptions deal with issues of space and time as treated in the field of world history, as well as questions of method, epistemology, historiography, and globalization as viewed from historical perspective. Themes discussed include the natural environment, agriculture, pastoral nomadism, science, technology, state formation, gender, and religion. Chapters dealing with large-scale processes review current thinking on some of the most influential developments of the global past, including mass migrations, cross-cultural trade, biological diffusions, imperial expansion, industrialization, and cultural and religious exchanges. Finally, a set of chapters explores distinctive historical developments within the world's major regions, while also situating individual regions in larger global context. Taken together, the essays in this volume provide the best guide to current thinking in one of the most dynamic fields of historical scholarship

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0059428Bayly, Christopher Alan. The Birth of the Modern World, 1780 - 1914 : Global Connections and Comparisons / C. A. Bayly. - Malden, Massachusetts ; Oxford, UK : Blackwell, 2004. - 540 p. - (The Blackwell History of the World). - Bibliography : p. 514 - 532. - ISBN 978-0-631-23616-0

This thematic history of the world from 1780 to the onset of the First World War reveals that the world was far more "globalised" at this time than is commonly thought.

  • Explores previously neglected sets of connections in world history
  • Reveals that the world was far more "globalised", even at the beginning of this period, than is commonly thought
  • Sketches the "ripple effects" of world crises such as the European revolutions and the American Civil War
  • Shows how events in Asia, Africa and South America impacted on the world as a whole
  • Considers the great themes of the nineteenth-century world, including the rise of the modern state, industrialisation and liberalism
  • Challenges and complements the regional and national approaches which have traditionally dominated history teaching and writing

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0056396Implicit Understandings : Observing, Reporting, and the Reflecting on the Encounters between Europeans and Other Peoples in the Early Modern Era / University of Minnesota, Center for Early Modern History ; ed. S. B. Schwartz. - Cambridge ; New York ; Melbourne : Cambridge University Press, 1994. - 637 p. - (Studies in Comparative Early Modern History ; vol. 3). - Bibliography : p. 587 - 602. - ISBN 0-521-45880-3

This volume brings together the work of 20 historians, anthropologists, and literary scholars in an examination of the nature of the encounter between Europeans and the other peoples of the world from 1450 to 1800, the Early Modern Era. The European vision of others is examined first with special emphasis on Spain and the Columbian voyages. The next series of essays focuses on how other peoples viewed Europeans in a series of case studies on Persia, the Aztecs, the Kongo, Japan, South and Southeast Asia. The third group of essays explores the ways in which peoples tried to bridge cultural contacts and challenges. The final section examines the nature of eighteenth-century encounters in the Pacific, Australia, and America. Here, noted scholars grapple with the questions of how we observe and what cultural observation reveals about ourselves as well as others. This volume is world-wide in scope but is unified by the underlying theme that implicit understandings influence every culture's ideas about itself and others. These understandings are changed by experience in a constantly shifting process in which both sides participate, making such encounters complex historical events and moments of discovery

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0056139Royal Courts in Dynastic States and Empires : a Global Perspective / ed.: J. Duindam, T. Artan, M. Kunt. - Leiden ; Boston : Brill, 2011. - 444 p. - (Rulers and Elites ; vol. 1). - ISBN 978-90-04-20622-9

In recent decades the history of premodern states and empires has undergone major revision. At the heart of this process stood the court, encompassing the household as well as government institutions. This volume for the first time brings together the fruits of research on royal courts from antiquity to the modern world, from Asia to Europe. The authors are acknowledged specialists in their own fields, but they address themes relevant for all courts: the inner and outer dimensions of court architecture as well as staff organizations; the connections between court, capital, and realm; the relationship of the ruler with relatives and other elites. This volume pioneers comparative history combining a rich empirical orientation with a critical assessment of theoretical perspectives

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0065098The Barents Region : a Transnational History of Subarctic Northern Europe / ed. L. Elenius [et al.]. - Oslo : Pax Forlag, 2015. - 518 p. : il. - ISBN 978-82-530-3651-9


The Barents region comprises the northernmost parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. It was established in 1993 as a result of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and it is also the first macroregion to move beyond the Cold War’s Iron Curtain. This book provides a research-based history of the Barents Region from 800-2010 written by 27 history researcher within the thirteenth sub-regions of the Barents Region. It is suitable as a course book in history for students at university level, but also for social sciences and for others interested in the comparative transnational history of northern Russia and northern Scandinavia. Six million people live in the Barents Region. The authors tell the history of the regional development in four nation states, bridging the gap between Russia and the Nordic countries in terms of ethnicity, religion, cultural content, political systems, economies and different stages of modernisation. The account starts with the history of independent ethnic groups in a common area. From the ninth century we can see tendencies towards an integration of the northernmost areas of Europe into larger political structures, culminating in early state formations such as the merchant republic of Novgorod and the kingdoms of Norway and Sweden. The focus is on comparative transnational aspects of history through stages of rivalry and co-operation. It is also the history of the many minorities and nationalities moving cross borders of different kinds. As is the case with nations, there are different understandings of what constitutes a region. Are regions deeply grounded in history and culture or are they created by actors for instrumental reasons? The Barents Region is the prototype of a region made by concrete actors for political purposes, but the historical account shows that there were transnational contacts even before this novel political construction came into being. In the concluding chapter the reader will find reflections on what kind of region the Barents Region invented in 1993 really is

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0019891Алексеева, Елена Вениаминовна. Диффузия европейских инноваций в России, XVIII - начало XX в. / Е. В. Алексеева ; Институт истории и археологии УрО РАН. - М. : Росспэн, 2007. - 368 с. - (Экономическая история : документы, исследования, переводы). - ISBN 5-8243-0811-X

Монография посвящена проблеме распространения европейских нововведений в Российской империи. Преодолевая барьеры, сложившиеся в изучении европейской составляющей отечественной истории, разделяющие тему хронологически, проблемно и дисциплинарно, автор предлагает читателям широкую панораму изменений в российской жизни, происходивших на протяжении более двух веков под влиянием европейских образцов модернизации общества в государственно-административной, экономической и профессиональных областях. Указанные вопросы исследованы с точки зрения концепции диффузии инноваций, позволяющей проследить смену центров новаций, каналы и механизмы их распространения, с позиции исторического опыта оценить результаты их инфильтрации в российское общество

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