Европейские республиканцы встречают русских исследователей республик

Центр «Res Publica»

5-7 мая 2011 центр "Res Publica" и Европейский университетский институт (European Univesity Institute - EUI)  провели совместный семинар г. Флоренция. Среди тем , представленных сотрудниками центра, были: специфика Новгорода и Пскова как республик, их сравнение с европейскими сюжетами и республиканизм в России 18 века.

С программой семинара можно ознакомиться по ссылке.

Practices and Theories of Self-Government:Comparative Perspectives on Russia and Europe

Workshop organised by Oleg Kharkhordin (European University at St. Petersburg) and Martin van Gelderen (EUI Florence)

Thursday 5 May:

9:30: Welcome and introduction

9:45-10:45: Serena Ferente (King’s College London), The people and the republic in late medieval and Renaissance Italy

10:45-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-12:00: Pavel Lukin (Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), Was Medieval Novgorod a Republic? Myth and Reality (pdf 472KB)

12:00-13:00: Lovro Kuncevic, The Republican Ethos of Early Modern Ragusa: Fundamental Political Values and Constitutional Principles

13:00-14:30: Lunch

14:30-15:30: Lev Shilov (EUSP, Political Science & Sociology), The Construction Activity of the Novgorod Archbishops in the 14-15th Centuries: Social Network Analysis of Political Factionalism in a Medieval Russian Republic (pdf 764KB)

15.30-16:30: Martin van Gelderen (EUI), Florentine Disasters, Dutch Fortunes: Freedom and Commerce in European Republicanism

16:30-17:00: Tea/Coffee Break

17:00-18:00: Alexandra Shapovalova (EUSP, Art History), The Monumental Painting of Novgorod the Great in the Second Half of the XIV century in Context of Religious Movements of the Eastern Christianity (pdf 3MB).

Friday 6 May:

9:30-10:30: Xavier Gil (Barcelona), Republican Politics and Communal Liberties in Early Modern Spain: The Castilian and Catalano-Aragonese Traditions

10:30-11:00: Coffee break

11:00-12:00: Mikhail Krom (EUSP, History), The City of Pskov in the 15th and early 16th centuries: Communal Liberties and Fragmented Sovereignty (pdf 194KB)

12:00-13:00: Vladimir Arakcheev (Pskov State Pedagogical University), Political Organization of the Pskov Republic: The Prince, the Popular Assembly, Sovereignty (pdf 150KB)

13:00-14:30: Lunch

14:30-15:30: Iain Hampsher-Monk (Exeter), Citizenship in Early Modern England

15.30-16:30: Oleg Kharkhordin (EUSP, Political Science & Sociology), Virtue Ethics and the Russian Political Tradition (pdf 209KB)

16:30-17:00: Tea/Coffee Break

17:00-18:00: Patrick Joyce (Manchester/EUI), Can There Be Liberal Things?

Saturday 7 May:

10:00-11:00: Alexei Vovin (EUSP, History), Res Publicae in Pskov: Common Things and Common Activities (pdf 229KB)

11:00-11:15: Coffee break

11:15-12:15: Victor Kaploun (Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg branch), «Vivre en Horace ou mourir en Caton»: les intellectuels, les pratiques de lecture et la tradition du républicanisme classique en Russie à la fin du XVIII – au début du XIX s. (pdf 648KB)