Факультет политических наук; Факультет социологии
Артемий Магун

What remains of the 1917 revolution today? Can we say (as some do) it is just the communist horizon? But the horizon had been there to start with. Rather an event of this scale bequeaths problems and their tentative historical solutions. Thus, the challenge of the Bolchevik and Soviet task became the difficult synthesis between state and democracy, avant-guardeand the conservative classes, universalism and nationality. USSR did provide paths of synthesis but ultimately failed on all of them. The relevance of 1917 is proven, however, by the fact that these dialectical contradiction continue to determine the present-day world, and end up in deadlocks, which signal, fortunately or not, to a need for new historical explosions.

Лекция состоялась 24 октября 2017 года в рамках конференции "1917/2017. REVOLUTIONS, COMMUNIST LEGACIES AND SPECTRES OF THE FUTURE".