Новая публикация Вероники Симоновой: Non-compliance with Fishery Regulations in Sakhalin Island: Contested Discourses of Illegal Fishery

Центр социальных исследований Севера

Вышла в свет очередная исследовательская статья сотрудницы Центра социальных исследований Севера Вероники Симоновой (в соавторстве с заведующим Отделом этнографии Сибири МАЭ РАН Владимиром Давыдовым), посвящённая браконьерским практикам на Сахалине.

Выходные данные статьи: Veronika Simonova, Vladimir Davydov (2016). Non-compliance with Fishery Regulations in Sakhalin Island: Contested Discourses of Illegal Fishery // International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies. Vol. 3, issue 3. Pp. 238–245.


Краткое содержание (abstract) статьи

This article examines the practice of illegal fishery in Sakhalin Island as well as modes of its interpretations by different categories of fishermen. It is also discuss ways Sakhalin society is organized via illegal fishery within the context of informal economy and new changes in traditions of fishing morals. By analyzing the ethnography of poaching, its materiality and social regulative standards, subsistent significance and household economy, this paper demonstrates the totality of non-compliance with fishery regulations and its dominant role in everyday life of the islanders.

Keywords: noncompliant behavior, fishery regulations, neotraditionalism, indigenous people, informal economy, Sakhalin Island.


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