Engineering careers in post-Soviet Azerbaijan: Soviet legacy and post-Soviet change

Добавить в календарь 2020-12-03 18:00:00 2024-12-23 00:54:37 Engineering careers in post-Soviet Azerbaijan: Soviet legacy and post-Soviet change Description Онлайн Центр исследований науки и технологий Europe/Moscow public
Центр исследований науки и технологий
Лейла Сайфутдинова

В четверг, 3 декабря, в 18.00 состоится онлайн-семинар Центра STS, в рамках которого Лейла Сайфутдинова из University of St Andrews прочитает лекцию «Engineering careers in post-Soviet Azerbaijan: Soviet legacy and post-Soviet change»

Engineering is one of the professions that underwent significant disruptions in the course of post-Soviet transition to market economy. Some of the factors that affected the profession across post-Soviet and more broadly postsocialist space were deindustrialization, technological change, and the decline in demand for engineers in the new economy. In this talk, I discuss the impact of this transition on engineering careers in Azerbaijan. I focus on changes in career trajectories, professional mobility, and work orientations across different industries and specializations. I argue that two processes ― informalization and partial integration into global economy were crucial in this transformation. As a result, the profession became strongly stratified, with internationally mobile professionals mostly in the oil industry, and the rest increasingly relying on informal ties to maintain their professionalism. While the content of engineering work has also changed due to influx of new technologies, there still exists continuity with the Soviet vision of engineering as a holistic profession integrating different elements of production chain.

Дата и время: 3 декабря, четверг, 18.00–20.00.

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