Уильям Розенберг – доктор истории, профессор эмеритус Мичиганского университета (Энн-Арбор, США), один из основателей и почетный доктор Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, автор многочисленных научных работ по социальной истории России и истории русской революции. В 2013 г. проф. Розенберг передал в дар библиотеке ЕУСПб коллекцию научных книг, насчитывающую более 1200 экз.
Коллекция У. Розенберга в каталоге Библиотеки ЕУСПб
Koenker, Diane. Strikes and Revolution in Russia, 1917 / D. P. Koenker, W. G. Rosenberg. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1989. - 393 p. - Bibliography : p. 351 - 376. - ISBN 0-691-05578-5
More than seventy years since the Bolsheviks came to power, there is still no comprehensive study of workers' activism in history's first successful workers' revolution. Strikes and Revolution in Russia, 1917 is the first effort in any language to explore this issue in both quantitative and qualitative terms and to relate strikes to the broader processes of Russia's revolutionary transformation. Diane Koenker and William Rosenberg not only provide a new basis for understanding essential elements of Russia's social and political history in this critical period but also make a strong contribution to the literature on European labor movements. Using statistical techniques, but without letting methodology dominate their discussion...
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Rosenberg, William. Liberals in the Russian Revolution : the Constitutional Democratic Party, 1917 - 1921 / W. G. Rosenberg. - Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 1974. - 534 p. - (Studies of the Russian Institute, Columbia University). - Bibliography : p. 475 - 506
Although many Russians thought that the Constitutional Democrats, or Kadets, would be the party that would lead them through the Russian Revolution into the ranks of the Western European democracies, the Kadets were easily crushed by the Bolsheviks in the struggle for power. How the Kadets responded to the events of the revolution and failed at the time of the party's greatest crisis is the subject of William G. Rosenberg's study. As political history, the book examines the values, programs, organization, and tactics of Russia's most prominent liberal party from 1917 to 1921...
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Blouin, Francis. Processing the Past : Contesting Authority in History and the Archives / F. X. Blouin, W. Rosenberg. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 257 p. - ISBN 978-0-19-974054-3
"Processing the Past" explores the dramatic changes taking place in historical understanding and archival management, and hence the relations between historians and archivists.Written by an archivist and a historian, it shows how these changes have been brought on by new historical thinking, new conceptions of archives, changing notions of historical authority, modifications in archival practices, and new information technologies.The book takes an "archival turn" by situating arcliives as subjects rather than places of study, and examining the increasingly problematic relationships between historical and archival work. By showing how nineteenth- and early twentieth-century historians and archivists in Europe and North America came to occupy the same conceptual and methodological space...
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Блоуин, Френсис. Происхождение прошлого : "подлинность" для историков и архивистов / Ф. Блоуин, У. Розенберг ; пер. с англ. : Ю. Князькина, Е. Шрага ; Европейский университет в Санкт-Петербурге. - СПб. : Изд-во ЕУСПб, 2017. - 375 с. - Пер. изд. : Processing the Past : Contesting Authority in History and the Archives / F. X. Blouin, W. G. Rosenberg. - Oxford ; New York, 2011. - ISBN 978-5-94380-227-0
В предлагаемой читателю книге исследуются драматические изменения, происходившие в понимании истории и в архивном деле, а соответственно, и в отношениях между историками и архивистами. Написанная историком и архивистом, книга рассказывает, учитывая взгляды обеих сторон, как эти отношения трансформировались в рамках новых исторических теорий и новых архивных концепций; как на эти отношения повлияла смена точки зрения на исторический авторитет, нововведения в архивных практиках и развитие информационных технологий...
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Rosenberg, William. Transforming Russia and China : Revolutionary Struggle in the Twentieth Century / W. G. Rosenberg, M. B. Young. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1982. - 397 p. - Bibliography : p. 363 - 372. - ISBN 0-19-502966-6
In the best tradition of historical writing, this fascinating study of the twentieth century’s two great revolutions concentrates on the distinguishing characteristics of the Russian and Chinese experiences during the same time period. With a clear sense of drama and tension, as well as a commitment to analysis and interpretation, Rosenberg and Young emphasize the roles of ideology, social structure, and economic necessity in the shaping of events, and focus on the complexities and contradictions that put Russia and China on their revolutionary paths. Using quotations, anecdotes, and colorful descriptive material to give the reader a sense of time and place, the authors unravel the tangle of people, places, and events central to understanding the nature of revolutionary change...
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Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution, 1914 - 1921 / ed.: E. Acton, V. Cherniaev, W. Rosenberg. - London : Arnold, 1997 ; Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 2001. - xvi, 782 p. - ISBN 0-340-76365-5. - ISBN 0-253-33333-4
The Companion is a landmark in the study of the Russian Revolution and civil war, bringing together specially commissioned contributions by 46 of the world's leading historians of the period - from the United States and Britain, from Australia and Japan, from Israel and western Europe and from Russia and the former Soviet Union. Unlike a general synthesis, a conventional reference book or a 'definitive' dictionary, the Companion presses the limits of current knowledge and sets the agenda for future research. The issues considered range from those debated for decades to those only now being opened up for discussion, with each entry offering a critical and interpretative treatment. Edward Acton is Professor of Modern European History at the University of East Anglia, Norwich...
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Критический словарь русской революции, 1914 - 1921 / сост.: Э. Актон, У. Г. Розенберг, В. Черняев. - 2-е изд., испр. и доп. - СПб. : Нестор-История, 2014. - 767 с. - Пер. изд. : Critical Companion to the Russian Revolution, 1914 - 1921 / ed.: E. Ecton, V. Cherniaev, W. G. Rosenberg. - London, 1997. - ISBN 978-5-4469-0360-3
Предисловие к русскому изданию: ""Критический словарь русской революции, 1914 - 1921" - это систематизированный свод аналитических статей, взаимосвязанных и дополняющих друг друга. Он рассчитан как на сквозное прочтение, так и на использование как научно-справочное издание. Хронологические рамки словаря непривычны. Внимание сосредоточено на событиях, деятелях и реалиях времен с начала Первой мировой войны до окончания Гражданской войны и введения НЭПа. Русская революция стала главной осью событий XX века и эпизодом Первой мировой войны...
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Archives, Documentation and Institutions of Social Memory / ed.: F. X. Blouin, W. G. Rosenberg. - Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 2006, 2007. - 502 p. - ISBN 978-0-472-03270-9. - ISBN 0-472-03270-4. - ISBN 978-0-472-11493-1. - ISBN 0-472-11493-X
As sites of documentary preservation rooted in various national and social contexts, artifacts of culture, and places of uncovering, archives provide tangible evidence of memory for individuals, communities, and states. Archives also define memory institutionally within prevailing political systems and cultural norms. By assigning the prerogatives of record keeper to the archivist, whose acquisition policies, finding aids, and various institutionalized predilections mediate between scholarship and information, archives produce knowledge, legitimize political systems, and construct identities. Far from being mere repositories of data, archives actually embody the fragments of culture that endure as signifiers of who we are, and why...
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Bolshevik Visions : First Phase of the Cultural Revolution in Soviet Russia / ed. W. G. Rosenberg. - Ann Arbor, Michigan : Ardis, 1984. - 501 p. - Bibliography : p. 497 - 501. - ISBN 0-88233-650-9
Authors of the 62 articles collected here include Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin, Krupskaya, Kollontai, Vinokurov, Lunacharsky, and many others. The essays are grouped under a variety of general topics: The Ideal Communist; Sex Roles, Marriage and Family; Social Welfare, Religion, Language, Prostitution; Proletarian Law; Labor and Education; and the Arts. Revolution provides that rarest of opportunities: the possibility of creating a new social and cultural architecture. When the old structures are completely destroyed, something new must take their place. In this collection of the early writings of the most prominent post-revolutionary Soviet critics and theoreticians we can see the diversity of opinions about what the new social order should be...
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Social and Cultural History of the Soviet Union : the Lenin and Stalin Years / ed., introd. author W. G. Rosenberg. - New York ; London : Garland Publishing, Inc., 1992. - 519 p. - (Articles on Russian and Soviet History, 1500 - 1991 / gen. ed. A. Dallin ; vol. VI). - Includes bibliographical references. - ISBN 0-8153-0563-X
Introduction: "Although the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917 with broad support from Russia's industrial workforce, no amount of rhetoric could obscure the fact that history's first proletarian dictatorship was established in a largely peasant country. With the exception of a bare handful of urban centers, Russian society and culture were overwhelmingly agrarian. The country s economy also rested almost entirely on agricultural production. Disaffected and impoverished workers and peasant-soldiers joined the Bolsheviks' cause in 1917 ready to believe that Lenin's party held the promise of better times to come, that a communist revolution could catapult...
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Social Dimensions of Soviet Industrialization / ed. W. G. Rosenberg, L. H. Siegelbaum. - Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 1993. - xix, 296 p. - Bibliography : p. 285 - 289. - ISBN 0-253-20772-X
The essays assembled here focus on the social and cultural dimensions of Soviet industrialization during the late 1920s and 1930s and their impact on the process of Soviet industrial transformation. Among the themes studied are urbanization, social mobility, questions of social identity and of the cultural construction of the industrialization drive, and the social dimensions of work, management relations, and the organization of industrial production. Careful attention is paid to the comparative dimensions of Soviet industrialization from the European perspective and the phenomenon of industrialization as a totalizing process. Concentrating on the "great change" as a multidimensional social and cultural process, Social Dimensions of Soviet Industrialization provides an invaluable complement...
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Party, State and Society in the Russian Civil War : Explorations in Social History / ed. D. P. Koenker, W. G. Rosenberg, R. G. Suny. - Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 1989. - xiv, 450 p. - (Indiana-Michigan Series in Russian and East European Studies). - ISBN 0-253-33262-1
To what extent were the social responses and political choices of the Civil War years in Soviet Russia the product of social and economic circumstances and to what extent were they the result of the independent exercise of conscious political will? Why was there a progressive erosion of democratic practices and forms in the Soviets, in the central government, in trade unions, and in the factories themselves in the post-October period? This landmark volume, focusing on the interaction of politics and society, presents the leading edge of current scholarship on the social history of the Russian Civil War...
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Маленький человек и большая война в истории России, середина XIX - середина XX в. : материалы международного коллоквиума / Санкт-Петербургский институт истории РАН; Европейский университет в Санкт-Петербурге [и др.]; Санкт-Петербургский международный коллоквиум "Маленький человек и большая война в истории России, середина XIX - середина XX в." (IX ; 17-20 июня 2013 г. ; СПб.) ; отв. ред.: Н. В. Михайлов, Я. Плампер ; ред. У. Г. Розенберг [и др.]. - СПб. : Нестор-История, 2014. - 570 с. - ISBN 978-5-4469-0480-8
Книга посвящена военному опыту рядового человека: воина, партизана, врача, инвалида, беженца, мирного жителя вообще, который выносил основное бремя большой войны. В центре внимания его эмоциональные реакции - страх, ненависть, переживание голода, боли, увечья, физического и сексуального насилия, их отражение в фольклоре...
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Эпоха войн и революций, 1914 - 1922 : материалы международного коллоквиума (9-11 июня 2016 г.) / Санкт-Петербургский институт истории РАН; Европейский университет в Санкт-Петербурге [и др.]; Санкт-Петербургский международный коллоквиум "Эпоха войн и революций, 1914 - 1922" (X ; 9-11 июня 2016 г. ; СПб.) ; отв. ред.: Б. И. Колоницкий, Д. Орловски ; ред. колл.: У. Г. Розенберг [и др.]. - СПб. : Нестор-История, 2017. - 496 с. - ISBN 978-5-4469-1131-8
В книге представлены материалы 10-го Санкт-Петербургского международного коллоквиума по русской истории, который был посвящен сложному и противоречивому периоду. Организаторы коллоквиума предложили поместить Российскую революцию 1917 года в контекст более широкого революционного кризиса 1914 - 1922 годов, периода от начала Первой мировой войны до окончания Гражданской войны...
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Rosenberg, William. Paramilitary Violence in Russia’s Civil Wars, 1918 - 1920
Статья опубликована в сборнике: War in Peace : Paramilitary Violence in Europe after the Great War / ed.: R. Gerwarth, J. Horne. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2013. - 240 p. : il. - (The Greater War). - ISBN 978-0-19-968605-6
The First World War did not end in November 1918. In Russia and Eastern Europe it finished up to a year earlier, and both there and elsewhere in the world it triggered conflicts that lasted down to 1923. Paramilitary formations were prominent in this continuation of the war. Paramilitary violence was an important ingredient in the clashes...
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Rosenberg, William. Summing Up : Culture(s) in a Time of Crisis
Статья опубликована в сборнике: Russian Culture in War and Revolution, 1914 - 1922 : in 2 books. Book 2 : Political Culture, Identities, Mentalities, and Memory / ed. M. Frame [et al.]. - Bloomington : Slavica Publishers, 2014. - 370 p. : il. - (Russia's Great War and Revolution, 1914 - 1922 ; vol. 1). - ISBN 978-0-89357-424-6
This book is one of a two-part collection of original essays on the cultural history of Russia from the outbreak of the First World War in 1914 to the establishment of the Soviet Union in 1922. The chapters in both parts of Russian Culture in War and Revolution represent the work of an international group of scholars...
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Rosenberg, William. NEP Russia as a "Transitional" Society
Предисловие к сборнику: Russia in the Era of NEP : Explorations in Soviet Society and Culture / ed.: S. Fitzpatrick, A. Rabinowitch, R. Stites. - Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, 1991. - viii, 344 p. - (Indiana-Michigan Series in Russian and East European Studies). - Bibliography : p. 321 - 330. - ISBN 0-253-20657-X
Lenin's New Economic Policy of the 1920s, although a relatively free and open potential alternative to Soviet communism, was also a time of extreme tension, as Russian society and culture were rocked by the forces of resistance and change. These essays examine the social and cultural dimensions of NEP in urban and rural Russia...
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Koenker D., Rosenberg W. G. Strikes and Revolution in Russia, 1917
Статья опубликована в сборнике: Revolutionary Russia : New Approaches / ed. R. A. Wade. - London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2004. - xxii, 275 p. - (Rewriting Histories). - Bibliography : p. 267 - 269. - ISBN 0-41530748-1
This collection presents the major recent writings on the Russian revolution and its context. It brings together key texts to illustrate new interpretive approaches and covers the central topics and themes. Together, the chapters in this volume form a coherent representation of both the events and the theories and debates that relate to them
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Rosenberg, William. On the Problem of Reform in Russia and the Soviet Union
Статья опубликована в сборнике: Reform in Russia and the USSR : Past and Prospects / ed. R. O. Crummey. - Urbana ; Chicago : University of Illinois Press, 1989. - 318 p. - Bibliography : p. 290 - 304. - ISBN 0-252-01612-2
The First World War did not end in November 1918. In Russia and Eastern Europe it finished up to a year earlier, and both there and elsewhere in the world it triggered conflicts that lasted down to 1923. Paramilitary formations were prominent in this continuation of the war. Paramilitary violence was an important ingredient in the clashes unleashed by class revolution in Russia. It structured the counter-revolution in central and Eastern Europe...
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Rosenberg, William. The Democratization of Russia’s Railroads in 1917
Статья опубликована в сборнике: Work, Community, and Power : the Experience of Labor in Europe and America, 1900 - 1925 / ed.: J. E. Cronin, C. Sirianni. - Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1983. - 318 p. - (Class and Culture). - ISBN 0-87722-309-2
The first quarter of the twentieth century was perhaps the most dramatic and consequential period for the international working class. Corporate control was consolidated and centralized. The workplace began to be extensively reorganized by Taylorist and later Fordist methods. Revolutions, factory occupations...