Городской семинар по экономике "Collusion with Money Burning: A Solution to the Problem of Renegotiation"

Добавить в календарь 2022-02-03 18:00:00 2025-03-14 14:03:31 Городской семинар по экономике "Collusion with Money Burning: A Solution to the Problem of Renegotiation" Description Белый зал (430) Факультет экономики info@eusp.org Europe/Moscow public
Белый зал (430)
Факультет экономики

3 февраля в 18:00 в рамках городского семинара по экономике Михаил Панов (СПб ВШЭ) представит статью "Collusion with Money Burning: A Solution to the Problem of Renegotiation".

Аннотация: I propose a novel approach to resolving the problem of renegotiation in cartel agreements. I argue that if additionally to productive actions, cartel members can publicly burn money, then in optimal agreements, the incentives to renegotiate practically vanish both on path and off path of play.

As an illustration, I consider  a continuous-time setting with two players colluding with imperfectly observable productive actions and observable money transfers. Transfers involve money burning: only a fraction of the amount sent is delivered. I introduce self-enforcing public agreements, which mimic pure-strategy public perfect equilibria from discrete time. For a fixed interest rate, I characterize the set of payoffs, S, attainable in such agreements. In optimal agreements, (i) costly transfers are used rarely,  only when the participation constraint of either player binds; (ii) the on-path continuation values stay on the Pareto frontier of S; (iii) following deviations, punishments can have continuation values arbitrarily close to the Pareto frontier of S.

Рабочий язык семинара: английский.

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