Городской экономический семинар "Heterogeneous Altruism and Social Inequality"

Добавить в календарь 2023-10-12 18:00:00 2025-03-14 09:55:41 Городской экономический семинар "Heterogeneous Altruism and Social Inequality" Description Онлайн Факультет экономики info@eusp.org Europe/Moscow public
Факультет экономики

12 октября в 18:00 Михаил Пахнин (ЕУСПб, UIB, University of Evry) представит доклад "Heterogeneous Altruism and Social Inequality".

We study a growth model with two types of agents who are heterogeneous in their degree of family altruism. We prove that every equilibrium path converges to a unique steady state, and study the effect of altruism on the properties of steady-state equilibrium. We show that aggregate income is positively related to both level of altruism and altruism heterogeneity. When altruism heterogeneity is low, income inequality follows an inverse U-shaped pattern relative to the level of altruism, which is consistent with the cross-country Kuznets curve. When altruism heterogeneity is high, income inequality monotonically decreases with the level of altruism. Furthermore, income inequality at first increases in altruism heterogeneity, but after a certain threshold level, does not depend on altruism heterogeneity.

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