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Venue: FREEDOM Space (7, Kazanskaya street, 2nd floor) The first open lecture of the IMARES Month of Global Affairs by Prof. Ivan Kurilla will be on Russian-US relations. "Russian mountains" of the recent U.S. politics and Russian preoccupation with the American example and the U.S. threat will be better understood within the historical context of bilateral relations, mutual perceptions, and inventions of the Other. The lecture will expose those long trends of US-Russian relations.

EUSP Open House

Dear Friends! You are welcome to visit the European University at St. Petersburg to learn more about our MA degree programs, speak with professors, students, alumni, and our team. 16.00 - 19.00 - presentations of our MA degree programs in Russian Studies and in Energy Politics, building tours, meetings with professors, alumni and staff.

STAGING A CULTURAL COMMUNITY: Making Jazz Soviet Again after 1953

Through the lens of the Cold War, jazz in the Soviet Union appears as a struggle between conservative party bosses and a rebellious youth striving for freedom and democracy. Michel Abesser’s talk addresses Soviet jazz culture and debates after 1953 and argues for a more complex understanding of its protagonists, discourses and practices. Such a focus can expand our ideas of youth, social stratification after Stalin’s death, and the hybridity between professional and amateur culture.

ARE WOMEN’S RIGHTS HUMAN RIGHTS? Russia, Turkey and the European Court of Human Rights

Women in Russia and Turkey face pervasive discrimination. Only a small percentage dare to challenge their mistreatment in court. Facing domestic police and judges who often refuse to recognize discrimination, a tiny minority of activists have exhausted their domestic appeals and then turned to their last hope: the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The ECtHR is widely regarded as the most effective international human rights court in existence. Russian citizens whose rights have been violated at home have brought tens of thousands of cases to the ECtHR in the last 20 years.


The European University at St. Petersburg (EUSP) is pleased to welcome Ivan Pictet, Senior Partner of Pictet & Cie (1982–2010), as part of its distinguished lecture series. Founded in 1805 when Geneva was under Napoleon’s rule, the Pictet Group today is one of the leading independent asset and wealth managers in Europe with close to 500 BILLION Swiss Franc (CHF) assets under management.

SEXUAL REVOLUTION? Sex education and political reforms in Sweden in the 20th century

In Sweden in the 1930´s, legislation was introduced to promote access to contraceptives and abortion. It was followed by a decrimininalization of homosexual contacts, and the introduction of sexuality education in schools. Critical voices in Sweden and in other countries could describe these reforms as a sexual revolution from above, governed by the state.