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Call for applications 2021

MA degree programs in International Relations Russian and Eurasian Studies (IMARES) | Energy Politics in Eurasia (ENERPO)  The European University at Saint-Petersburg (EUSP) invites all students interested in Russia and the Post-Soviet area (Eurasia) to join one of our international Master's degree programs in International Relations. You may focus on Russian and Eurasian Studies or on Energy Politics in Eurasia.

Simon Franklin is Named Mark Raev Prize Honorary Nominee

Simon Franklin, Professor of Slavonic Studies at the University of Cambridge and Trustee of the European University at St. Petersburg, has become an honorary nominee for the prestigious historical Mark Raev Prize. The prize is awarded annually by the 18th Century Russian Study Group to a researcher whose book makes a special contribution to the study of the "Long Russian 18th Century."

The August Issue of Global Dialogue Magazine is Out in 17 Languages

The August 2020 issue of Global Dialogue, the International Sociological Association's (ISA) open access digital magazine published in 17 languages, has been released. The Managing Editor of the magazine in Russia is Elena Zdravomyslova, Co-Director of the Gender Studies Program, Professor of Sociology at the European University in Saint Petersburg, with the participation of Anastasia Daur and Valentina Isaeva.

Press Release: 6% of People in St. Petersburg, Russia have had COVID-19

Researchers from European University at St. Petersburg and Scandinavia clinic are conducting the first representative Sars-Cov-2 serological survey in Russia. Preliminary results show that 5,7% of St. Petersburg residents have had Covid-19. Saint Petersburg — 19 June 2020. Population-based serosurveys is the most reliable way to understand population exposure to SARS-CoV-2 — the virus leading to disease responsible for COVID-19 pandemic. Such tests detect proteins that our bodies generate in response to the virus.

EUSP and the Scandinavia Clinic Launched a Joint Study to Evaluate the Spread of the COVID-19 Disease in Saint Petersburg

The European University at St. Petersburg, in collaboration with the Scandinavia clinic, has begun a non-interventional observational study of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the blood serum (seroprevalence) in the population of St. Petersburg. The study will evaluate how many people in St. Petersburg have already had the new coronavirus and what patterns of behavior are associated with the fact of the disease.

Why Should Not the Actions of Nature be Translated into Human Language?

Some modern scientists tend to interpret the coronavirus pandemic as nature's revenge: with the help of viruses, nature “gives us back” for animal cruelty and environmental crisis. However, if you follow the theory proposed by the French philosopher Georges Bataille back in the 1940s, nature should not be confused with man, it does nothing on purpose. Violence committed by nature (such as an earthquake) is sovereign because it does not pursue any goal. Nature acts beyond humans, which also means beyond good and evil.

Do Not Offend the Flies

What do we know about the virus — is it a living or non-living organism? What methods do we use in order not to get infected (besides forced self-isolation)? Why we do not blame ourselves for the spread of the virus, but animals — bats, rats, marmots, snakes, pangolins? And what is important to understand in order not to be in a state of “bare life”?

Letters Against Separation. Diary of a philosopher Oksana Timofeeva about life in a village during a pandemic

Being in isolation in the Leningrad Region, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the European University in Saint Petersburg Oksana Timofeeva took part in the online project “Letters Against Separation” — a collective project on the E-flux conversations platform, in which authors from different parts of the world reflect on how Covid-19 influenced them, their loved ones, their cities and their work through a series of short, diary-like letters.

Us Too: The Virus and “Social Distancing”

The article by Artemy Magun, a professor of the Democratic Theory at the European University, published in The Philosophical Salon discusses the crisis of social distance using the examples of the coronavirus pandemic and the events initiated by the #metoo flashmob.

EUSP Professor of Public Health and Gender Tells the New York Times about “The Virus Diaries” Initiative

The New York Times newspaper published an article about how people around the world start keeping their diaries with their experiences of living through a pandemic. Their diaries are told in words and pictures: pantry inventories, window views, questions about the future, concerns about the present. Some diarists record statistics: the number of infections, the number of deaths. Others keep diaries that are part shopping list, part doodle pad.