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The European University team wins New League of Universities debate club tournament

A New League of Universities debate club tournament was held on June 5. Over the course of the spring term, students of the universities participating in the league (EUSP, Skoltech, NES and Shaninka) practiced and developed their rhetorical skills and took part in practice debates at weekly workshops. The final event of the season was the New League Tournament, where several EUSP teams were represented.  

Dmitry Serebrennikov and Dmitry Skugarevsky have published a preprint of an article on an analysis of urban surveillance cameras

Dmitry Serebrennikov and Dmitry Skogarevsky (both from EUSP’s Institute for the Rule of Law) have published a preprint of their article "A tale of four cities: Exploring environmental characteristics of CCTV equipment placement".

How much do you work after work? A study of MAST and CESIS centers

European University researchers from MAST (EUSP Center for Machine Learning, Data Analysis and Statistics) and CESIS (EUSP Center for Arctic Social Studies)  have examined how much public procurement specialists work after hours.

"History is just beginning". EUSP launches popular science series

The European University launches a popular science series, "History is just beginning", where we talk to scholars who are discovering the past by studying what is left of it. The focus of the first episode is Christian marital morality, church interrogation methods and punishment for extramarital sex in pre-Petrine Russia. Investigations into fornication cases in Russia in the 18th century are discussed by Associate Professor of the Faculty of History Amiran Urushadze and a graduate student of the same faculty, Pavel Romanov.

Call for Papers. 16th Annual Conference “Constructing the ‘Soviet’? A Soviet Project in ‘Global Socialist Ecumene’”

In 2022, the History Department of the European University at Saint Petersburg will call the 16th Annual Conference “Constructing the ‘Soviet’?” for young scholars. This year our point of departure will be a category of the “global socialist ecumene”, which we apply to the Soviet and other socialist projects history.

"Sputnik V" protects against the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2: results of an independent study

Researchers from the European University at St. Petersburg and the Medical Institute named after Berezin Sergey (MIBS) calculated the effectiveness of Russian vaccines against symptomatic coronavirus infection during an outbreak caused by the delta variant. "Sputnik V" protects against the delta variant. Тhe effectiveness of the vaccine was 58%. In reality, the efficacy is even higher, since this calculated figure is influenced by the number of people who recovered but were not included in the data.