Все публикации

June 2016 (Vol. 4, Iss. 3)


ANALYSIS: China's Possible Accession to the ECT: Benefits and Obstacles

Lina Nagell

ANALYSIS: Production Sharing Agreements (PSAs): Azerbaijan's Practice

Fatma Babayeva

OPINION: Russian Approaches at COP21 and the Disproportionate Reaction by the West

Michael Roh

Workshop Review: Russia and Iran: Past, Present and Future

Zachary Waller and Gevorg Avetikyan

February 2016 (Vol. 4, Iss. 2)

Russian LNG in Asia Pacific under Low Price Market Environment by Jinsok Sung; Yamal LNG: The Implications of the Sanctions Regime by Patrick Osborne; Lithuania: Energy Security Through Liberalization by Aaron Wood; Myanmar’s Energy Sector: An Overview by Alissa Nicole Thompson

ENERPO Journal Call for Papers

ENERPO Journal announces call for papers for May and August issues of 2016.

The Journal accepts articles written in English on the subjects of energy security, energy economics, energy policy and the role of various fuels in the energy system. More specifically, the Journal seeks to cover topics such as:

November 2015 (Vol. 4, Iss. 1)

CONFERENCE REPORT. Russia in Changing Global Markets: New Challenges and Opportunities - Irina Mironova, Michael Roh; ANALYSIS. Rethinking the Role of Gasification and Electrification in ASEAN Energy Security Initiatives - Cory Cox; VIEWPOINT. IMF Distorts Energy Subsidy Facts to Vilify the Fossil Fuel Sector - Jerry Byers; ANALYSIS. South Caucasian Factor In Russia’s Security of Gas Demand - Konstantin Golub; WORKSHOP REVIEW. ENERPO Workshop Series: Maxim Titov on Russia’s Energy Efficiency - Michael Camarda


August 2015 (Vol. 3, Iss. 4)

Cover Volume3 Issue4
  • ANALYSIS. Iran versus Russia: Perspectives of Competition in the European Gas Market – Dimitri Papamichaïl 
  • ANALYSIS. Renewable Energy in India: A Work in Progress – Julie Jojo Nielen
  • VIEWPOINT. TAPI Pipeline: Why It Should Remain Just a Pipedream – Giovanni Pagotto
  • VIEWPOINT. Russia-China Gas Deal: A Win-Win – Jerry Byers

May 2015 (Vol. 3, Iss. 3)

  • ANALYSIS. Klaipeda LNG: Destined for Exports? – Sean Berwald
  • VIEWPOINT. Estonia's First LNG Terminal: What Can the Country Learn from Lithuania’s Experience with LNG at Klaipeda? – Vreni Veskimägi
  • ENERGY ECONOMY SERIES. The Philippines – Joe Ralbovsky
  • WORKSHOP REVIEW. Davide Tabarelli: Italian Energy Security and the Missing South Stream – Filippo Verdolini
Cover Volume3 Issue3

October 2014 (Vol. 3, Iss. 2)

  • Turkmenistan; China; natural gas relations; Chinese loans; Niyazov; Berdimukhammedov; Central Asia-China pipeline
  • South Stream; Bulgaria; Serbia; LNG; interconnectors in EU; Greek LNG terminal; TAP; competition for Gazprom; opinion article
  • US shale gas; fracking; low oil prices threaten; low interest rates; BOE deception; inflated hydrocarbon reserve figures to investors
ENERPO Journal Cover October 2014

September 2014 (Vol. 3, Iss. 1)

  • Russian electricity sector; power equipment and demand in Russia; concentrated international market; foreign partnerships; GE; Siemens; Alston; Mitsubishi; InterRAO; Rosatom; Atomenergomash; Power Machines; accelerated Asian pivot
  • US shale gas extraction; US export is shortsighted; higher gas prices in US to come; poor financial performance of US shale companies; low EROI
  • Hydrocarbon discoveries in Mediterranean; Cyprus; Israel Turkey; Lebanon; EEZ disputes; geopolitics
ENERPO Journal Cover September 2014

May 2014 (Vol. 2, Iss. 7)

  • Sanctions on Iran; Iran's energy sector; US and EU goals; unilateral US sanctions ineffective
  • Mediterranean hydrocarbons; Greece; Cyprus; Turkey; Crete; LNG or pipeline?; energy in geopolitical strategies of southeastern EU member states
  • Ukraine; Europe; Russia; interdependence; reverse flow; legal issues; Slovakia
  • Workshop Review: Boris Jordan; Sputnik; Renaissance Capital; Ukraine crisis; sanctions; Slowing Russian economy
ENERPO Journal Cover May 2014