CEEES Paper Series

The Working Paper Series of the Centre for Energy and Enviromental Economic Studies seeked to promote the results of work of EUSP scholars as well as other researchers taking part in workshops, conferences and other events organised by the Centre for Energy and Enviromental Economic Studies.

The CEEES Paper Series is indexed by RePEc and is available through EconPapers. See also the webpage of the Department at RePEc, the list and the ranking of institutions in Russia registered in RePEc.





CE3S-02/16, On Discounting and Voting in a Simple Growth Model
by Kirill Borissov, Mikhail Pakhnin and Clemens Puppe

CE3S-01/16, Green Attitude and Economic Growth
by Ingrid Ott and Susanne Soretz



CE3S-07/15, Cumulative Emissions, Unburnable Fossil Fuel and the Optimal Carbon Tax
by Armon Rezai and Frederick van der Ploeg

CE3S-06/15, Honest versus Misleading Certification
by Philippe Mahenc

CE3S-05/15, Spatial Resource Management under Pollution Externalities
by Anastasios Xepapadeas and Athanasios Yannacopoulos

CE3S-04/15, Second-best Carbon Taxation in the Global Economy: The Green Paradox and Carbon Leakage Revisited
by Frederick van der Ploeg

CE3S-03/15, Limit Cycles under a Negative Effect of Pollution on Consumption Demand: The Role of an Environmental Kuznets Curve
by Stefano Bosi and David Desmarchelier

CE3S-02/15 Free-Riding on Environmental Taxation
by Maria Chistyakova and Philippe Mahenc

CE3S-01/15 Models and Games with Adaptation and Mitigation
by Yuri Yatsenko



CE3S-05/14, Economic Growth and Property Rights on Natural Resources
by Kirill Borissov and Mikhail Pakhnin

CE3S-04/14, Trade and the Environmental Kuznets Curve: Panel Data Approach
by Olga Podkorytova and Yulia Raskina

CE3S-03/14, Markov Perfect Equilibria in Differential Games with Regime Switching Strategies
by Ngo Van Long, Fabien Prieur, Klarizze Puzon and Mabel Tidball

CE3S-02/14, Growth and Mitigation Policies with Uncertain Climate Change
by Lucas Bretschger and Alexandra Vinogradova

CE3S-01/14, Payments for Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils: Incentives for the Future and Rewards for the Past
by Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline and Sébastien Roussel



CE3S-06/13, Scarcity vs. Pollution in Public Policy toward Fossil Fuels
by Nikita Lyssenko and Leslie Shiell

CE3S-05/13, Pollution Effects on Labor Supply and Growth
by Stefano Bosi, David Desmarchelier and Lionel Ragot

CE3S-04/13, The Endogenous Formation of an Environmental Culture
by Ingmar Schumacher

CE3S-03/13, Hedonic Model with Discrete Consumer Heterogeneity and Horizontal Differentiated Housing
by Masha Maslianskaia-Pautrel

CE3S-02/13, Climate Policy and Catastrophic Change: Be Prepared and Avert Risk
by Frederick van der Ploeg and Aart de Zeeuw

CE3S-01/13, Optimal Harvesting of a Spatial Renewable Resource
by Stefan Behringer and Thorsten Upmann



CE3S-06/12, The Clean Development Mechanism in a Global Carbon Market
by Thierry Brechet, Yann Ménière, and Pierre M. Picard

CE3S-05/12, The Optimal Carbon Tax and Economic Growth: Additive versus Multiplicative Damages
by Armon Rezai, Frederick van der Ploeg, and Cees Withagen

CE3S-04/12, Use Less, Pay More: Can Climate Policy Address the Unfortunate Event for Being Poor?
by Lucas Bretschger and Nujin Suphaphiphat

CE3S-03/12, From Regressive Pollution Taxes to Progressive Environmental Tax Reforms
by Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline and Mouez Fodha

CE3S-02/12, Environmental Maintenance in a Dynamic Model with Heterogenous Agents
by Kirill Borissov, Thierry Bréchet and Stéphane Lambrecht

CE3S-01/12, Are Clean Technology and Environmental Quality Conflicting Policy Goals?
by Thierry Bréchet and Guy Meunier