

The RBC web-portal has launched a series of op-ed articles written by the center's researchers. We shared the results of our experiment on attracting residents of several towns to the management of municipal budgets.

In the first op-ed titled “Odinakovye goroda: chem plokh podkhod rossiiskikh vlastei k blagoustroistvu”/ “Identical cities: what is wrong with the Russian authorities' approach to urban improvement” Oleg Pachenkov shared his opinion on why the creation of modern public spaces in towns is only possible with the participation of their residents in activities like the allocation of budget funds at the local level. (November 2017)

Daria Dimke explains how the design of benches and flowerbeds depends on the work of supervisory authorities in her op-ed “Urbanizm i prokurory: kak sdelat' initsiativu gorozhan nenakazuemoi”/ “Urbanism and prosecutors: how to make an initiative of citizens unpunishable” (December 2017)

Kirill Titaev and Daria Dimke argued that horizontal coordination is the most important condition for the normal work of officials of all ranks in the article “Utrachennyi opyt: kak rabotalo mestnoe samoupravlenie v SSSR”/ “Lost experience: how local government worked in the USSR” (December 2017)

Vladimir Korshakov wrote “Imitatsiia uchastiia: zachem Minstroiu sprashivat' grazhdan o blagoustroistve”/ “Imitation of participation: why should the Ministry of Construction ask citizens about urban improvement” (January 2018)

Daria Dimke opined that as long as municipalities cannot plan their expenses for at least two or three years in advance, there can be no talk of successful cooperation with businesses - “Vremia kuptsa: kak Moskva lishaet regiony bazovogo resursa razvitiia”/ “Merchant time: how Moscow deprives regions of a basic development resource” (January 2018)

Daria Dimke also wrote that excessive regulation is not a specifically Russian trait, but it has its own threatening features in Russia in an op-ed titled “My zdes' ne vlast': zachem grazhdane sami sozdaiut sebe «Leviafana»“/”We are not the authorities here: why do citizens create a Leviathan for themselves” (February 2018)