Архив проектов

The effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination

The European University at St. Petersburg, Medical Institute named after Berezin Sergey and Tarusa hospital conducted two observational studies to assess the effectiveness of vaccination against symptomatic infection caused by the Delta variant in St. Petersburg.


MAST is developing a library for Python allowing carrying out large-scale calculations even with the limited capabilities of the computer's RAM at the expense of time.

You Shall Not Parse

MAST is developing a general-purpose parser for the file formats most commonly used by researchers in social science and humanities.

Рабочее время специалистов по госзакупкам в регионах России (по данным ЕИС «Закупки»)

Задача проекта — определить границы рабочего дня и объем рабочего времени у специалистов по государственным закупкам в разных регионах России. Исследование проводится на основе данных о времени размещения договора на сайте zakupki.gov.ru за 2015–2021 гг. 

The EUSP Climate Change Project

In 2020-21, the EUSP Center for Science and Technology Studies (STS Center) will start a new research project devoted to the issue of global climate change. In support of these research activities, we will also organize a series of public events, inviting some of Russia's leading climate scientists to speak at the European University and introduce the social science community to the issues related to climate change as they appear from the points of view of different natural science disciplines.