The EUSP Climate Change Project

семинар по климату
Center for Science and Technology Studies (STS Center)
Project start date:
Project end date:

In 2020-21, the EUSP Center for Science and Technology Studies (STS Center) will start a new research project devoted to the issue of global climate change. In support of these research activities, we will also organize a series of public events, inviting some of Russia's leading climate scientists to speak at the European University and introduce the social science community to the issues related to climate change as they appear from the points of view of different natural science disciplines.

The rationale for the series is twofold. On the one hand, politicians and policy-makers enjoy access to the relevant data and expert advice derived from specific disciplinary perspectives. Yet, since disciplines tend to differ in their modeling cultures, the kinds of data they rely upon, as well as specific techniques of analysis and interpretation, a comprehensive policy-relevant view of climate change, even if achievable in principle, is continually postponed.

On the other hand, social scientists face a similar problem: it is becoming increasingly difficult to carry on with social research of any kind without noticing the proverbial elephant in the room — the issue of global warming. Yet when the social scientists begin to listen to their natural science colleagues, it turns out that the latter can only capture some part of the elephant but never «see it whole».

In other words, both communities need a big picture. The first purpose of this series is to make it possible. The second purpose is to create a forum in which natural and social scientists could discuss what is to be done — here and now. What policy options are available to adapt to climate change or mitigate its consequences, and which ones should be preferred in the contemporary Russian context?


Recordings of the past seminars

EUSP Seminar on Climate Change


Social Studies of Climate Change


Climate Policy


In the 2020-2021 academic year, all meetings will place on Thursdays, from 6 pm to 8 pm, in the Gagarinsky lecture hall.

The series is open to the public. Due to the current epidemiological conditions, we kindly ask all visitors to register via Timepad to ensure safe distancing. Each event will be live-streamed and made available on YouTube (English subtitles are generated automatically).

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