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The American South has always been different – slavery, secession, poverty, rural, and segregated – seemingly the reverse of American ideals. As novelist William Faulkner noted, in the South, the past is not even past, as the recent conflict over Confederate monuments attests. Why is this so? How have other regions in the U.S. contributed to the Southern mixture of myth and history? And what does its persistence say about the nation?

THE ETHNIC REGIONS AND ELECTORAL SUPPORT FOR THE INCUMBENT: The Politics of Federal Transfers in Russia from 2000 to 2012

How do incumbents in electoral authoritarian regimes manage to secure extraordinarily high levels of their electoral support? This study examines the determinants of the allocation of federal transfers to regional budgets in Russia to test whether the interbudgetary payments are used as a politically neutral tool with welfare equalizing goals or pursue various political aims of self-interested actors.


The report will explore the encounter between psychoanalysis and philosophy at the point where the two seem to be the most incompatible. Sex (and psychoanalytic theory of sexuality) is something that philosophy usually doesn't know what to do with; sex is the question usually left out in even the most friendly philosophical appropriations of Lacan and his concepts. And ontology (as since of pure being) is something that psychoanalysis doesn't know what to do with, or is highly critical about.


EUSP Political Science and Sociology Department graduate Ivan Grigoriev defended his dissertation "Transformatsiia institutov sudebnoi vlasti v protsesse konsolidatsii gibridnogo politicheskogo rezhima (na primere Konstitutsionnogo suda Rossiiskoi Federatsii) [Transformation of Judiciary Institutions in the Process of Consolidating a Hybrid Political Regime (on the Example of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation)]" at the National Research University Higher School of Economics on December 19, 2017.

In Motion: Urban Development Through the Prism of Migration

On March 13th, the European University hosted an open forum devoted to the topic of migration and urban development, with support from the Consulate General of the Netherlands in St. Petersburg and the Netherlands Institute in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg and Amsterdam were given special attention as “open” cities, whose populations have a high proportion of migrants.  

Creating a National Memorial and Museum to the Victims of the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Terrorist Attacks

Architect Michael Arad gave a lecture on the creation of the memorial to the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New York. Arad was the memorial’s designer and gave a lecture at EUSP as part of the Department of Art History’s Open Research Seminar, with support from the United States Consulate General in St. Petersburg. Arad began with his own story of the project’s creation, starting with his personal impressions of the tragic day observed from the roof of his own home, and ending with the opening ceremony of the memorial on the tenth anniversary of the attack.

Language, Religion and the Politics of Difference

As part of the Interdisciplinary seminar of the Political Science and Sociology Department the EUSP hosted Rogers Brubaker, a globally known specialist on questions of ethnicity and nationalism and Professor of Sociology at UCLA. - The size of the audience speaks for itself and for Rogers Brubaker, - said Artem Magun, the Dean of the Political Science and Sociology Department. He also thanked the Kazan Center for Cultural Studies of Post-Socialism who initiated and facilitated the visit of the distinguished guest.