On December 7-8, 2013, EUSP STS Center holds an international conference/workshop Crossbreeding STS and Innovation Studies.
There are a number of centres, groups, departments that do STS as well as innovation studies. There are opportunities and challenges for such centres if they are to mean more than co-habitation under one roof. Exchanges between such centres, most often in the form of interactions of people, occur and could increase. We want to go a step further, and create an international network of Centres of STS and innovation studies. Building bridges between STS and innovation studies is important and timely, and making the linkages and overlaps institutionally visible will help us, as well as others, to work towards such a goal. Thus, our initiative has an intellectual as well as an institutional interest. The workshop "Crossbreeding STS and Innovation Studies" marks the start of the international network (IN) of Centres for STS and Innovation studies (IN).