Cancer registries

Institute for Interdisciplinary Health Research (IIHR)
Project start date:

Registries collect and store information about people with cancer – their demographic characteristics, the type of tumor, the type of treatment. Institute for Interdisciplinary Health Research is assessing the comparability and validity of cancer statistics in regions of the Northwestern Federal District (NWFD) of Russia.


Project News

The journal BMC Cancer has published an article evaluating data from cancer registries in Northwest Russia

On October 18, a scientific article was published in the journal BMC Cancer, in which researchers from the Institute of Medical Studies of the European University at St. Petersburg and the N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology assessed the completeness of the data from cancer registries in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District for 2008–2017.

Публикации проекта

Completeness of regional cancer registry data in Northwest Russia 2008-2017

Data comparability and validity analyses found substantial differences across ten population-based cancer registries (PBCRs)in Northwest Russia, and only four out of ten met international standards. This study aimed to assess the completeness of the PBCR data of those registries. Eight out of ten regional PBCRs in Northwest Russia collected data with an acceptable degree of completeness. Mostly populated St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast did not reach such completeness.