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The 1st EUSP Alumni Conference

The Foundation’s executive director John Ernst (USA) participated in the conference along with Mr. Kenneth S. Kaufman. In his presentation, Mr. Kaufman emphasized the fact that there is a strong intellectual component at the core of all successful alumni associations.

A Meeting with Trustees and Friends of the EUSP Foundation

The meeting was attended by representatives from the St. Petersburg Government, heads of Russian companies, professors, and university alumni. They discussed the overall possibilities for long-term cooperation between EUSP and members of the Russian business community.

Counterdemocracy. Politics in the Age of Mistrust

Pierre Rosanvallon is a professor at the Collège de France and one of the leading authorities on European political theory, as well as a specialist in history and the theory of democracy. His research interests include the history of political thought, forms of civilian political participation, realistic analysis of contemporary politics, and the structural difficulties and crises of democratic government. He is also a social critic and public intellectual insistent on the necessity of new institutional forms of democracy and new practices of political participation under the world’s current conditions.

Foundation of the Alumni (Europe) Association

The European University at St. Petersburg Alumni (Europe) also known as EUSPA (Europe) has officially been founded in London in the course of the London EUSP Alumni Weekend.

A Meeting of Trustees and Friends of the EUSP Endowment Fund

Тhe Vice-Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, member of the EUSP Board of Trustees Alexei Kudrin and the director of the State Hermitage Museum, chairman of the EUSP Board of Trustees Mikhail Piotrovsky, chaired the meeting of the trustees and friends of the Fund of European University at Saint-Petersburg which was held in the hall of State Council of the Hermitage.

10th Commencement Ceremony

The ceremony was opened by Konstantin von Eggert, MBE, Moscow Bureau Editor of the BBC Russian Service (2002-2009), Vice-President of ExxonMobil Russia Inc., who gave an inspirational lecture on his career path.

Meeting of Trustees and Friends of the EUSP Endowment Fund

The Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, member of the EUSP Board of Trustees Alexei Kudrin and the Director of the State Hermitage Museum, Chairman of the EUSP Board of Trustees Mikhail Piotrovsky chaired the 4th special meeting of trustees and friends of the EUSP Endowment Fund.

Exhibition of the Academic Research Achievements

This conference is conceived as a central academic event of EUSP. It is designed not only to bring together representatives of different EUSP departments, but also to represent our scholarly achievements to our colleagues in other universities and research centers.

Presentation of the Institute for the Rule of Law

In the White and Golden Hall of EUSP  there was the presentation  of  the Institute for the Rule of Law which was opened in EUSP in the fall of 2009. esearch advisor of the Institute - Vadim Volkov.