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Lecture by professor Richard Taruskin (USA) "The History of What? Problems of Musical Historiography"

Richard Taruskin, professor of University of California, Berkeley, is a musicologist, music historian, and critic who has written about the theory of performance, Russian music, fifteenth-century music, twentieth-century music, nationalism, the theory of modernism, and analysis.  As a choral conductor he directed the Columbia University Collegium Musicum. He played the viola da gamba with the Aulos Ensemble from the late seventies to the late eighties. He received various awards for his scholarship.

Presentation by Tom Palmer (Atlas Economic Research Foundation) "Protectionism and Financial Crises"

Dr. Tom G. Palmer is the Vice President for International Programs at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation. Previously he was Vice President for International Programs at the Cato Institute and Director of the Center for Promotion of Human Rights.  He is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and Director of Cato University, the Institute's educational arm. 

Presentations by Robert D. Putnam (Harvard University, USA) ""Making Democracy Work" in Hindsight"

Robert Putnam is a political scientist and professor at Harvard University, well-known for his writings on civic engagement, civil society, and social capital, a concept of which he is probably the leading exponent. Putnam also developed the influential two-level game model that assumes international agreements will only be successfully brokered if they also result in domestic benefits.

International workshop "Classic Republicanism as a Freedom Affirming Alternative to Liberalism"

Quentin Skinner is a Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University. He is usually taken to be the head of one of two schools of conceptual historians (Anglo-American, or Cambridge school, another one being the Begriffsgeschichte approach associated with Reinhart Koselleck). Prof Skinner has published a lot on early modern European thought, starting with by new classic Foundations of Modern Political Thought (2 vols.

Presentation by Prof. Hans Joas (University of Erfurt, Germany) "Trauma and Human Dignity. The Experience of Violence and the Genesis of Values"

Hans Joas heads the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies (University of Erfurt, Germany) and is currently a Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Berlin. Prof. Joas serves on the editorial boards of the leading sociological journals and is the author of such books as «The Creativity of Action» (University of Chicago Press, 1996) and «The Genesis of Values» (University of Chicago Press, 2000).

Presentation by Eunice Blavaskunas (University of California) "The Forest that points backwards and forwards: civilization talk in Poland's Bialowieza Forest"

Eunice Blavaskunas (University of California) gave a presentation about discussions of future of Poland's Bialowieza Forest. The actors of numerous debates about Bialowieza Forest use the civilizational rhetorics and call images of traditional cultures, royal hunting pasts and also the more recent twentieth century logging past. Bialowieza Forest becomes a border point across the mythical boundary between East and West. Abstract