International workshop "Classic Republicanism as a Freedom Affirming Alternative to Liberalism"

Center «Res Publica»

plakat1Quentin Skinner is a Regius Professor of Modern History at Cambridge University. He is usually taken to be the head of one of two schools of conceptual historians (Anglo-American, or Cambridge school, another one being the Begriffsgeschichte approach associated with Reinhart Koselleck). Prof Skinner has published a lot on early modern European thought, starting with by new classic Foundations of Modern Political Thought (2 vols. 1978), then continuing with Reason and Rhetoric in the Philosophy of Hobbes (1996). His multiple articles on history of political thought and methodology have been recently assembled in a three-volume set Visions of Politics (2002). Interest to classical republican experience has been recently revived largely because of Prof. Skinner's efforts. Instrumental in this revival were two collections of essays he co-edited: Machiavelli and Republicanism (1990) and Republicanism: A Shared European Heritage (2002).

Workshop program