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Commencement ceremony of the academic year 2010/2011

The ceremony began with the annual address by the Rector of the University, Oleg Kharkhordin and the deans of the faculties. Among the guests in attendance at the ceremony were members of the Board of Trustees, friends, and partners of the European University. The honored guest of the meeting was Anatoly Chubais, Chief Executive Officer of the Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies, RUSNANO who delivered the talk on the development of innovative economy in Russia "Economic and technological aspects of Modernisation in Russia".

2009/2010 Commencement Ceremony

A festive ceremony celebrating the end of the 2009-2010 academic year and the awarding of diplomas to graduates of the Master's program was held in the Conference Hall of EUSP Graduates of the European University are a new generation of active, thinking, talented, and enterprising people, who are finding uses for their abilities in different spheres: science, education, business, art, management.

The Fifth Meeting of the Trustees and Friends of the EUSP Endowment Fund

The Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation, member of the EUSP Board of Trustees Alexei Kudrin and the Director of the State Hermitage Museum, Chairman of the EUSP Board of Trustees Mikhail Piotrovsky chaired the fifth special meeting of trustees and friends of the EUSP Endowment Fund which was held in the State Council hall of the Hermitage. Heads of Russian and foreign companies, as well as EUSP professors and staff attended the meeting. A short presentation of corporate funded professorships already established at the University was held.

Honored Guest Lecture by James Wolfensohn, the ninth President of the World Bank

EUSP has proudly hosted the honored guest lecture by James Wolfensohn, the ninth President of the World Bank. Mr. Wolfensohn shared his views on the general paths of economic development in Post-World War II Europe and the US, and on the global economy that emerged afterwards. In his talk he touched upon the necessity to strengthen the competitiveness of the Western countries by improving education and developing innovative technologies. Mr Wolfensohn then dwelled on the recent experience of the Asian countries, India and China in particular.

Lecture by Sonia Luhrmann (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) "Was There a Secular State in the Soviet Union? Soviet Atheism and the Anthropology of Secularism"

In the past few years as a part of the ethnology of religion, everyone has been talking more frequently about the need to create an "anthropology of secularism," which would teach contemporary secularism as an ideology and a political practice. To Western academics, secularism is usually perceived as an aspect of political liberalism, and the aim of its examination is as a criticism of liberal ideas about the privatization of religion and the world outlook of a neutral state.

A Meeting with, Stanislav Voskresenskij, the Deputy Minister for Economic Development of the Russian Federation

EUSP proudly hosted the lecture by the Deputy Minister for Economic Development of the Russian Federation Stanislav Voskresenskij. In his speech, Mr. Voskresenskij elaborated on the state policy in the spheres of innovations, investment and entrepreneurship development. He touched upon the current situation with natural resource management and expressed his opinion on the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. After the talk Mr. Voskresenskij answered the questions from the students and professors of the University.

A Multiple-Party Democracy and Problems with Political Modernization in Russia

A seminar was participated by Mikhail Amosov, Olga Pokrovskaya, Boris Vishnevsky, Natalya Evdokimova, and Timur Nadtochey. Mikhail Amosov: Docent of St. Petersburg State University, Candidate of geographical science, Deputy of the 1st-3rd Legislative Assemblies; Olga Pokrovskaya: Lawyer, Docent of the State and Municipal Law Department of the Insitute for Humantarian Education;

Lecture by Roland Robertson (University of Aberdeen, UK) "Reconfiguration of the World in the Perspecitive of the Global Field"

The contemporary sociological dictionary is obliged to Roland Roberston for the development and the popularization of the terms globalization and glocalization. In 1968, Roberston put forth a thesis that the sphere of culture has a decisive meaning for the categorization of the world, and began to develop the theory of globalization, which allows the conceptualization of the not only as a structure of changes, but also as changes that originate at the level of the consciousness of individuals.

Lecture by Jurgen Doring "Investing in renewable energy: practical experience from two decades as an engineer and businessman "

Jurgen Doring started his first company at the age of 23, right after graduating from Munich Technical University as an electrical engineer. rd electronics has since grown into a global leader in car electronics, measurement and testing systems. Venturing out to repeat this success, Jurgen started AEE Renewables where he now spends most his time as CEO. AEE develops and builds hydro power plants as well as solar (photovoltaics) plants.

Lecture by Oliver Grau (Germany) "Media Arts Challenge for Our Societies"

Over the last thirty years Media art has evolved into a vivid contemporary factor, Digital Art became the art of our time but has still not arrived in the core cultural institutions of our societies. Although there are well attended festivals worldwide, well funded collaborative projects, numerous artist written articles, discussion forums and emerging database documentation projects, media art is still rarely collected by museums, not included or supported within the mainframe of art history and nearly inaccessible for the non northern public and their scholars.

Lev Masiel Sanches (Moscow) "The Antique Russian Architecture of XVIII Century"

The subject of the presentation (entitled so paradoxically) is Russian regional architecture of XVIII c. that had managed to conserve some forms of late Middle Ages style through all the century. This architectural phenomenon will be presented as somewhat that cannot be reduced to a dichotomy “capital/provincial”. The lector will analyze the transformation of bulks, compositions, and décor of forms in their relations, which change from one generation to another.

International conference "Law and Law Enforcement in Russia: Interdisciplinary Research"

The Institute for the Rule of Law in EUSP held the international conference devoted to the discussion on the current situation with law and law enforcement practices At the opening of the conference EUSP proudly hosted the lectureby the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Valery Zorkin Conference programme (pdf 61KB)

Lecture by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Valery Zorkin

At the opening of the international conference "Law and Law Enforcement in Russia: Interdisciplinary Research", EUSP proudly hosted the lecture by the Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Valery Zorkin. In his speech, Mr. Zorkin elaborated on his vision of "the paths of Russia toward law". He touched upon the current situation with law enforcement practices and expressed his opinion on the issue of judicial precedent and its significance in Russia.

Honoured guest lecture by the Chief Executive Officer of RBI Holdings Edward Tiktinsky "The Origins of the Modern World. Capitalism Today. How to Succeed in Today's Business World"

 In the presentation Mr. Tiktinski shared his views on the worldview and cultural formation, commented on the causes of the world economic crises and touched upon the issue of business development ethics. After the lecture Edward Tiktinsky answered the questions from the students, graduates and professors of the University