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"Social Norms and Life Satisfaction. The Role of Women in Family and Society"

This seminar was organized by Osteoropa Institut (Regensburg, Germany) and Gender Studies Program (EUSP). During the meeting, participants discussed transformations of private life and gender roles that occur in contemporary Russia and Germany. They also considered the impact, which these transformations have on women’s subjective life satisfaction. In the seminar session researchers from Osteoropa Institut (Ekaterina Selezneva) and European University at St.Petersburg (Vera Galindabaeva, Ekaterina Borozdina) presented findings of their recent projects. 

Vladimir Orlov (Great Britain) "Soviet Saint: the Film-oratorio "Alexander Nevsky" by Eisenstein and Prokofiev"

Vladimir Orlov received his PhD in Music Studies from Cambridge University (Great Britain) after graduate studies at the State Institute of Art Studies (Moscow) and after graduating from the Nizhny Novgorod State Conservatory as a musicologist, organist, and an artist of chamber ensembles. He has lectured in the United States, Russia, and European countries. He has been in a series of academic publications in Russian and in English; his main research interests are the Silver Age of Russian culture and Socialist Realism.

Lecture by Pierre Desrochers (University of Toronto) "A New Silicon Valley? On Geographic Clustering and Public Policy"

Taken with the success of American Silicon Valley, a number of states strive to create their own economic ‘cluster’, i.e. geographically localized zone of innovation economy. In Russia this ambition has shaped into the Skolkovo ‘innocity’. However attractive the idea of a governed innovation jump is, the experience of many countries demonstrates that a successful ‘cluster’ cannot be created following a bureaucratic order.

European University Day. The third anniversary of the end of the "Fire" crisis

The celebration began with the opening of an exhibition “EUSP-15” prepared by the Student Council. The various displays telling about the history of the University from the very beginning were presented. The official part started with traditional announcement warning of a fire and the evacuation of the building, after which the participants in the action ceremonially carried the fire hose into the conference hall.

International conference "Alexander II: The Tragedy of a Reformer. People in the Fate of Reform, Reforms in the Fate of People"

The conference dealt with two memorable dates: the 150th anniversary of the emancipation of the serfs and the 130th anniversary of the assassination of Alexander II. Over the course of the conference, discussions were held on a range of vital questions about the history of Russia: the meaning of the Great Reforms for the fate of the country, the role of the individual in the process of modernization, and the influence of reforms in the life of the individual citizen.

Presentation by the EUSP alumni, Oleg Markovsky (NOVATEK)

Oleg Markovsky, the Chief of Administration of Perspective Development of the Department of Perspective Development and Strategic Planning of NOVATEK Graduated from the Mathemical-Mechanical Department of SPbGU and the EUSP Department of Economics has at different times worked in business (Alfa-Capital, NOVATEK, and others), as well as in state structures (Ministry of Economic Development), has been a member of the committee for analysis of the Unified Energy System of Russia. He is currently a part of the Board of the Endowment Fund of EUSP.

Research seminar "New Research on the Cold War"

Sari Autio-Sarasmo (University of Helsinki and University of Tampere), and Hanna Ruut (University of Helsinki) delivered talks as a part of a presentation of the project “Knowledge Through the Iron Curtain – Transferring Knowledge and Technology in Cold War Europe “ and the new book Reassessing Cold War Europe, ed. by Sari Autio-Sarasmo & Katalin Miklóssy. Routledge, 2010.

First EU Info-day "Bringing the European Union closer: the EU Centre opens in St. Petersburg"

Michael Webb, the Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Russia, and Maria Nozhenko, the Head of the CES – EU Centre, delivered their speeches on the activities of the newly established Centre and the EU-Russia relations in general. The event has been organized in cooperation with the press-club 'Green Lamp'. 

A Meeting of the EU Consuls-General with the Rector and the staff of the CES - EU Centre

The Consuls-General of the EU Member States and Mr. Michael Webb, the Deputy Head of the Delegation of the European Union to Russia, were received by the Rector and the staff of the Centre for European Studies – EU Centre in the Golden Hall of the University. During the meeting the Rector acquainted the guests with the history and the activities of the European University, whereas the staff of the CES-EUC presented the educational activities of the Centre.

10 Years Anniversary of the Art History Department

A ceremonial celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Art History Department of EUSP began with a mini-conference, in which graduates of the Department gave short presentations. Afterwards, colleagues, friends, and guests celebrated the anniversary with a glass of champagne in non-academic atmosphere.

Lecture by Gilbert Doctorow (Harriman Institute, Columbia University) "Great Post-Cold War American Thinkers on International Relations"

Gilbert Doctorow is a professional Russia watcher and actor in Russian affairs going back to 1965.  He is a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard College (1967), a past Fulbright scholar, and holder of a Ph.D. with honors in history from Columbia University (1975). After completing his studies, Mr. Doctorow pursued a business career focused on the USSR and Eastern Europe. For twenty-five years he worked for US and European multinationals in marketing and general management with regional responsibility.