European University Day. The third anniversary of the end of the "Fire" crisis


The celebration began with the opening of an exhibition “EUSP-15” prepared by the Student Council. The various displays telling about the history of the University from the very beginning were presented. The official part started with traditional announcement warning of a fire and the evacuation of the building, after which the participants in the action ceremonially carried the fire hose into the conference hall. Three successive Rectors of the University – Boris Firsov, Nikolay Vakhtin and Oleg Kharkhordin shared their views on experience gained during 15 years of existence and future development plans. Alumni representatives living and working in different countries but still maintaining close links with the University also addressed the warm words towards EUSP. At the end students presented theatrical performance about the University life. The official part of the ceremony ended with the presentation of crystal snails to the employees, instructors, graduates, and students of the university who had distinguished themselves the most and a group photo of all the guests taken for the first time at the front staircase.