Publication of the ENERPO Center in Forbes: How Russian coal companies will survive the crisis in the industry?

ENERPO Research Center
Ирина Миронова; Максим Титов; Михаил Ощепков; Никита Ломагин

The prestigious business magazine Forbes has published an article by Mikhail Oshchepkov, an reseaerch fellow of the ENERPO Research Center, dedicated to the current crisis in the Russian coal industry and possible ways to overcome it. The article examines the key challenges facing coal companies, as well as possible strategies for adapting to the new conditions.

Mikhail provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the industry, including export dynamics, the transformation of supply chains, and the impact of international restrictions on the prospects of coal enterprises. Particular attention is paid to which companies are able to survive the crisis and rebuild their business model.

The article is a continuation of a large study by the ENERPO Research Center of the Russian coal industry, the results of which were published in 2023 in the book by ENERPO Center employees Nikita Lomagin, Irina Mironova, Maxim Titov and Mikhail Oshchepkov "Russian Coal in the Era of Climate Change. Why it Will Survive and Will Not Become a Bargaining Chip in Relations with the West?

You can read the article at the link: [click to review]