Global awareness about the potential effects of climate change on the environment has grown recently. It has caused debates about the level of responsibility of humans, enterprises, and states.
Many governments and companies have already declared commitments to net zero emissions targets in the nearest future. Economies globally will thus need to be powered by electricity, which will be primarily generated from renewable energy sources. The apparently inevitable energy transition will contain both challenges and opportunities for humans and nations all over the world.
This series of public lectures "Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities" is designed to discuss some of the aspects of energy transition — global responses to it and its consequences for the Russian state, society, businesses, and major energy companies.
Lecture 1 "Energy Transition: What Does It Mean for Russia?"
Professor Nikita Lomagin (ENERPO Research Center, European University at St. Petersburg)
Date: October 9, 2021
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Venue: Vladimir Mayakovsky Public Library, 44 Fontanka River embankment
What is Energy Transition? What does it mean to Russia as one of the world's largest exporters of energy resources? How will energy transition affect Russian foreign policy?
Nikita Lomagin will discuss these questions, look for answers and propose further reading suggestions during the first lecture of our "Energy Transition: Challenges and Opportunities" series.
The lecture will be held in English. Please register to attend the event.
Lecture 1 "Energy Transition: What Does It Mean for Russia?"