After Post-Photography, the 8th international conference on visual studes, history and theory of photography will take place at the International school of arts and cultural heritage of the European University at St Petersburg on 1–2 June.
The conference exists as a platform for interdisciplinary discussion on photography: it conference aims to present new approaches, discoveries and hypotheses in the field of photography studies. By designating "presence/absence" as the theme of this year's conference, the organisers have invited participants to present research and pose questions concerining a range of subjects including digital possibilities of tele-presence, the role of photography in the construction of myth and images of otherness, the ephemerality of photography and the memory it contains or triggers . This year's conference brings together researchers from Tyumen State University, University of California in San-Diego, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and the European University. For the third year the conference programme includes an international section for young researchers - undergraduates and graduate students.
The conference will be held online, attendance is free but requires registration. Confernece languages are Russian and English, translation will be provide.
Conference organizing committee: Мaria Gourieva (European University), Olga Davydova (St. Petersburg State University), Daria Panaiotti (Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts), Friedrich Tietjen (independent researcher).