Konstantin Erusalimskii

Professor, Center Res Publica
Academic biography

Field of research: Russian and Polish-Lithuanian intellectual history of the early modern period, history of book culture, historiography, archaeography, source studies, gender studies

Academic Background:

2012 – Doctor of Historical Sciences in specialty number 24.00.01: Theory and History of Culture. Dissertation title Russian Emigration in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: The Second Half of the 16th to the Beginning of the 17th Century.

2002 – Candidate of Historical Sciences in specialty number 07.00.09: Historiography, Source Studies and Methods of Historical Research. Russian State University for the Humanities. Dissertation title "The History of the Grand Duke of Moscow" by A. M. Kurbsky: Archaeographic and Historiographical Aspects" (supervisor - S. O. Schmidt).

1998 — Specialist degree as historian. Russian State University for the Humanities. Faculty of History and Philology. Diploma work "The History of the Grand Duke of Moscow" by A. M. Kurbsky as a source on the history of the Tsar's court" (supervisor - S. O. Schmidt).

Employment History:

2006–2008 — Lecturer in Russian Historiography at the State University for the Humanities of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

2005–2006: Lecturer in Anthropology of the Russian Middle Ages at the Higher School of Economics.

2005–2006: Lecturer in Cultural Studies at Natalia Nesterova University.

2002–2020: Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor (until 2020) of the Department of History and Theory of Culture, Faculty of Art History (later the Faculty of Cultural Studies) of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Subjects: History of Russian Culture, History of World Culture, Regional History of Russia, History of Everyday Life in Russia, Historiography, Cultural Source Studies, Cultural History of the Book, Theory and Practice of Academic Communication, History of Eastern European Migrations, Cultural Policy of Russia, Methods of Cultural Research.

2020–present: Chief Researcher, Russian State University for the Humanities

Research work:

Fellowships, financial support:

RFN Grant, 2018–2020. project No 19-48-04112 "Russian Republicanism from the Middle Ages to the End of the 20th Century" (I am the acting researcher; the project manager is K. A. Solovyov).

RSF grant, 2016–2018. project No 16-18-10091 "Diplomatic Correspondence of Ivan the Terrible: Study and Publication of Epistles (1533–1584)".

Russian Federation, Presidential Grant, 2013. Project "Academic Edition of the Works of Prince A. M. Kurbsky: "The History of the Prince of the Great Moscow Affairs"".

A. von Humboldt Foundation (18 months), 2012. University of Greifswald. The project title was "At the Origins of the Russian Emigration: Muscovites in Europe of the 16th Century".

"Thesaurus Poloniae" (International Culture Centre), Kraków (2 months), 2012. Project "Russian Emigration in the Polish-Lithuanian State of 1533–1618: Archives, Historical Memory, Social Status".

"Artes Liberales" (OBTA), University of Warsaw (2 months), 2011. "Russian Emigration in the Polish-Lithuanian State, 1550–1610s".

Eugene and Daymel Shklar Research Fellowship in Ukrainian Studies for Academic Year 2008/2009 (4 months) at the Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute (2009 January 1 — April 30). The research project was titled “Muscovites in Ruthenian Lands in the 16th — 17th Centuries: Social Integration, Cultural Identity, Historical Memory”.

Russian State University for the Humanities. Young Doctor of Sciences Program (2008–2010). Russian State University for the Humanities. The program “Young doctor of sciences”. The project “Russian Emigration in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: 1533–1618”.

American Council of Learned Societies. The research project “Collection of Kurbsky’s works: Manuscripts, Texts, Mentalities” (2006–2007).

Józef Mianowski Fund. A Foundation for the Promotion of Science. The research project “Russian emigrant on king’s service: Andrew Kurbsky and his descendants in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth” (Warsaw, 2006).

Queen Jadwiga Fund. Jagiellonian University. The research project “Russian emigrants in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth during the war for Livonia (1558–1583)” (Krakow, 2006).

Russian Foundation for the Humanities (2006). Russian Scientific Foundation for Humanities. The publication project “Kurbsky Miscellany: A Study on Book Culture. Publication of Texts. Vol. 1–2”.

Open Society Institute. Research Support Scheme. Research project “A.M. Kurbsky’s works, political relations and personal acquaintances in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1564–1583)”. The research is based on archival studies in Moscow, Sankt-Petersburg, Pskov, Jaroslavl, Ulyanovsk, Kyiv, Odessa, Harkov, Krakow, Paris and Copenhagen.

Presentations at conferences and seminars:

I have been taking part in international and domestic scientific conferences, congresses, round tables and scientific seminars since 1997.



Полный список научных работ

Избранные работы:

Идеология истории Ивана Грозного: взгляд из Речи Посполитой // Диалоги со временем : память о прошлом в контексте истории / под ред Л.П. Репиной ; Ин-т всеобщей истории Рос. акад. наук, О-во интеллектуальной истории, Гос. ун-т гуманитарных наук. М. : Кругъ, 2008. С. 589–635. (Серия «Образы истории»).

Понятия «народ», «Росиа», «Руская земля» и социальные дискурсы Московской Руси конца XV–XVII в. // Религиозные и этнические традиции в формировании национальных идентичностей в Европе. Средние века — новое время = Religion et ethnicité dans la formation des identites nationales en Europe. Moyen Âge-Epoque moderne : [сб.] / под ред. М.В. Дмитриева; Франко-Российский центр гуманитарных и общественных наук, Центр украинистики и белорусистики МГУ. М. : Индрик, 2008. С. 137–179.

Прус и «Прусский вопрос» в дипломатических отношениях России и Речи Посполитой 1560-х — начала 1580-х гг. // Хорошие дни: Памяти Александра Степановича Хорошева / Ин-т истории материальной культуры РАН. Великий Новгород; СПб.; М. : ЛеопАрт, 2009. С. 276–293.

Сборник Курбского: Исследование книжной культуры / отв. ред. С.О. Шмидт. М.: Знак, 2009. Т. 1. 881 с. Т. 2. 536 с.

Родословное древо или Пальма тирании: переоценки прошлого Русской земли в XVI веке // Образы времени и исторические представления: Россия — Восток — Запад. М., 2010. С. 616–654.

The Notion of People in Medieval and Early-Modern Russia // Sensus Historiae. Studia interdyscyplinarne. 2011/2. Vol. 3. P. 9–34.

Маскоўцы ў польска-літоўскі асяроддзі ў XVI – першай палове XVII стст. Транзітыўная ідэнтычнасць, гендэр і дыскрымінацыя // Arche. 2012. № 3. С. 68–95.

Ivan the Terrible and the Other in Current History-Writing // Acme. 2015. No 1. P. 41–82.

Курбский А.М. История о делах великого князя московского / отв. ред. Ю.Д. Рыков; составление, статьи, примечания К.Ю. Ерусалимского; перевод с древнерусского А.А. Алексеева. М.: Наука, 2015. 944 с. (Литературные памятники).

Московско-литовская война 1562–1566 гг. и введение опричнины: проблемы демографии и земельной политики // Российская история. 2017. № 1. С. 3–31.

Крымское ханство, Речь Посполитая и Российское государство в 1524–1571 гг.: посольская переписка из архива Великого княжества Литовского // Золотоордынское обозрение. 2017. Т. 5. № 4. С. 866–920.

На службе короля и Речи Посполитой. М.; СПб.: НесторИстория, 2018. 1012 с.

Стрелецкий сотник Микула - Московит, о котором узнала Европа // Казус: Индивидуальное и уникальное в истории. М.: Индрик, 2020. Вып. 15. С. 187–214.