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Lecture by Richard Whitley (University of Manchster) "Institutional Change, Authority Shifts and Scientific Innovations"

Not only were the sciences seen as producing different kinds of knowledge, then, but these epistemic variations could also be understood in terms of different patterns of work organisation and control that in turn depended upon particular societal and organisational contingencies. This implied that when these latter changed, so too should the patterns of intellectual authority and co-ordination and, eventually, research priorities, epistemic judgements and outcomes.  At least in principle, then, this

The Influence of May 1968 on the Future Development of Europe and Russia. Discussion with Dominique Fache and Yves Cohen

In 1968, Dominique Fache was an active participant in French student riots that went on to found the Sophia Antipolis technology park in 1972. From 1993-2003 he was the regional director of the Schlumberger Group in Russia and in the CIS countries. Today he is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian energy company Enel OGK-5, created as a result of the Unified Energy System of Russia reforms.

Lecture by Yves Cohen (EHESS, Paris) "A transnational history of leadership cultures and practices in the 20th century (1890-1940) and the singular place of Stalinism"

Professor Cohen works at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS, Paris). He primarily conducts research on the forms history takes and varying concepts of power, especially the formation of leadership cults in the early 20th century in France, the United States, the Soviet Union, and Germany.

Lecture by Loet Leyesdorff, professor (University of Amsterdam) "International Academic Collaboration at the Global Level"

Which countries most often produce scientists and researchers who collaborate on articles and patents? How is the global system of international cooperation constructed? With the proliferation of means of social network analysis, these relations are easily visualized though the construction of network maps of international collaborations. Despite the simplicity of the approach, the study of these networks can lead us to serious conclusions.

Lecture by Anil K. Bera (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) "Specification Testing for Panel Spatial Models"

Specification of a model is one of the most fundamental problems in econometrics. In practice, specification tests are generally carried out in a piecemeal fashion, for example, testing the presence of one-effect at a time ignoring the potential presence of other forms of misspecification. Many of the suggested tests in literature require estimation of complex models and even then those tests cannot take account of multiple forms of departures.

Round-table "Russia and Its Role in the International Economic Institutions"

Round-table discussion with Duncan Sparkes, Counselor for Trade and Economic Policy of the British Embassy in Russia. Mr Duncan Sparkes, Economic Counsellor at the British Embassy in Moscow, will lead a discussion with students about Russia's economic prospects and reform priorities, and Russia's engagement with the international economic institutions, including the G20, WTO and OECD. The discussion will be held in English.

Russia and Her Role in the International Economic Institutions

Round-table discussion with Duncan Sparkes, Counselor for Trade and Economic Policy of the British Embassy in Russia. Mr Duncan Sparkes, Economic Counsellor at the British Embassy in Moscow, will lead a discussion with students about Russia's economic prospects and reform priorities, and Russia's engagement with the international economic institutions, including the G20, WTO and OECD.

Lecture by Yuichi Kitamura (professor of economics at Yale University, USA) "Nonparametric Analysis of Random Utility Models"

The paper aims at formulating econometric tools for investigating stochastic rationality, using the Random Utility Models (RUM) to deal with unobserved heterogeneity nonparametrically. Theoretical implications of the RUM have been studied in the literature, and in particular this paper utilizes the axiomatic treatment by McFadden and Richter (McFadden and Richter, 1991, McFadden, 2005). A set of econometric methods to test stochastic rationality given a cross-sectional data is developed.

Lecture by Hakan Danielsson (Allianz insurance company) "Pension systems in the developed countries"

Lars Håkan Danielsson was born in 1961 in Sweden. After graduating from the University of Copenhagen with a degree in acturial mathematics in 1987, he began his career at the Länsförsäkringsbolagens AB insurance company, and in 1992 was appointed CEO of the reinsurance company Stockholm Re. Since 1994, he has acted as Deputy General Director of Länsförsäkringsbolagens AB; since 1997, General Director of Holmia, Trygg-Hansa, Länsförsäkringar Liv, and Länsförsäkringar AB. Since July 2011, Håkan Danielsson has directed Allianz.

International conference "Democracy: between the national and the global"

Being a hegemonic doctrine in the world politics, “democracy” does several things at the same time: it legitimizes the status quo of parliamentary republic, allows for imperialist interventions of NATO and US into affairs of periphery countries, and eventually provokes movements for “real” democracy, such as the global wave of protests in 2011-2012.