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VDNH-9: Infrastructure, Migration and Mobility in the North: Das Sein bestimmt das Bewusstsein?

On November 14th, as part of the VDNH-9 conference, the “Arctic Social Sciences” and “Migration Studies” research groups held a session titled “Infrastructure, Migration and Mobility in the North: Das Sein bestimmt das Bewusstsein?” The session was devoted to the issues of mutual influence and adaptation of infrastructures and societies of different levels. The central discussion question was the following: how are infrastructures used and modified in accordance with the needs and interests of northern communities? This issue was examined in terms of migration and mobility in the North.

THE MUSEUM OF THE REVOLUTION: The Peter and Paul Fortress and Early-Soviet Memory Politics

  On 10 December 2015, the International Graduate Student Workshop in Soviet History will meet at 18:00 in Room 414. We will discuss the work of Nicholas Bujalski (Ph.D. Candidate, Cornell University). In 1924, the Peter and Paul Fortress – that founding site of St. Petersburg, sacred burial ground of the imperial family, and dread prison of the Tsarist autocracy – was proclaimed a ‘Museum of the Revolution.’


16 December at 18.00 in the Golden Hall, Anika Walke (Washington University in St. Louis) will present at a joint meeting of the interdisciplinary seminar “Eurasia without Borders” and the Anthropology Department’s seminar “Transnationalism and Migration Studies.” The presentation will be in English, followed by discussion in Russian and English.

VDNH-9: Experts in Sexuality: Scientific, Legal, Everyday, and Economic Conceptions of Sex

On November 14th, the session “Experts in Sexuality: Scientific, Legal, Everyday, and Economic Versions of Sex” was held as part of the VDNH-9 conference. Participants discussed discourses of power that form knowledge about sexuality in contemporary society.

VDNH-9: The Energy of Nature: Toward a New Philosophy of the Environment

The session “The Energy of Nature: Toward a New Philosophy of the Environment,” organized by the EUSP’s Department of Political Sciences and Sociology, took place on November 13th as part of the 9th VDNH conference. In his introductory remarks, EUSP Department of Political Sciences and Sociology dean Artemy Magun provided an overview of the history of the concept of “energy.” Its meaning has changed fundamentally over time, as have many of its key concepts.

Workshop "Methods for Introducing Shared Governance into Public Universities"

On October 20th and 21st, representatives from universities participating in the 5-100 Project took part in a workshop titled “Methods for Introducing Shared Governance into Public Universities.” The research on the creation of a methodological basis for introducing elements of a participatory system into the university governance (shared governance) of Russian universities taking part in the 5-100 Project was conducted in the European University at St. Petersburg.

Reading the Khivan Archive: A History of Water Management in Central Asia

On November, 10th at 6.00 pm, IMARES Workshop series will host Akifumi SHIOYA in the Golden Hall Akifumi SHIOYA, PhD (2012) and assistant professor of University of Tsukuba (Japan), is currently working on the political and societal upheavals in the local society of Central Asia before and after its conquest by Imperial Russia, focusing on the development of irrigation and environmental changes.

Urban STS: Assembling New Perspectives

On September 18th and 19th the European University at St. Petersburg hosted a conference titled “Urban STS: Assembling New Perspectives.” The conference was aimed at creating a new platform for social scientists from different countries to discuss the applicability of the STS approach to the studies of urban space. Participants presented on topics such as urban innovation, technology policy, mobility, and the landscape of modern cities. The conference was organized jointly by the EUSP’s Center for Science and Technology Studies, the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) at the Technische Universität München and the Centre for Research on Architecture, Society and the Built Environment (ETH-CASE) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich.

“What’s the Most Terrible Thing in Life?”: Ivan Pavlov’s Last Winter

The answer to this question was the main focus of Daniel Todes’ open seminar held on September 24, 2015 at the European University at St. Petersburg. A professor in the Department of the History of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University (USA), author of the first biography of Ivan Pavlov and a visiting professor in the EUSP’s Department of History, Daniel Todes spoke about his experience studying the life and work of Ivan Pavlov and the examination of the last of Pavlov’s manuscripts, written (but never finished and never published) by the scientist in the last winter of his life in the Leningrad suburb of Koltushi.