5th International Workshop on Economic Growth, Environment and Natural Resources

Department of Economics of the European University at St. Petersburg and Chair of Economics / Resource Economics, ETH Zurich has organized the 5th International Workshop on Economic Growth, Environment and Natural Resources on May 31 – June 1, 2019. The aim of the Workshop was to promote the use of advanced economic theory in the fields of growth, environment and natural resource economics.


Venue and directions

The Workshop was held at the European University at St. Petersburg (1 Shpalernaya St., St. Petersburg, Russia).

Here is the map where the venue, hotels, nearby restaurants and major sightseeings are indicated. The description of the map as well as the directions on how to get to the hotel and the venue from the airport can be found here.


Keynote speaker

  • Rick van der Ploeg, Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford and Research Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies (OxCarre).


Scientific committee


Local organizing committee


Workshop program

Please download the Workshop program.