International conference "Republicanism in Theory and Practice: 500 years after the Agnadello battle (1509)"

Center «Res Publica»

Leading researchers in history of classical republics and republican political theory were participate in the conference, presenting papers on theory of classical republicanism. Also, a number of papers was devoted to the experience of medieval and renaissance republics - Venice  and Florence, as well as Novgorod and Pskov.

Among participants were Philip Pettit (Princeton), Edward Muir (Northwestern University), Dmitrii Kozlov (Irkutsk State University), Oleg Kharkhordin (EUSP), Sergei Troianovsky (St-Petersburg Institute of History, Russian Academy of Science), Victor Kaplun (EUSP, SU - HSE), Mikhail Krom (EUSP), Paul McLean (Rutgers university), Mikhail Sokolov (EUSP). 

Thursday, May 14, 2009, 16.00 – 20.00
European University at St Petersburg

Keynote Address:

Philip Pettit (Princeton),
Republicanism, Law and Democracy: The Tradition Today
The address will reflect on the seminal book, Pettit, “Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom and Government” (1997)


Edward Muir (Northwestern University),
500 Years after Agnadello (May 14, 1509): The Significance of Venice in the History of Republicanism

Dmitrii Kozlov (Irkutsk State University),
Harrington and the Tradition of Classical Republicanism: the Problem of Translation and Development in the Republican Discourse.

Oleg Kharkhordin (EUSP),
Stoic grammar and Cicero’s Theory of Res Publica: Why Res Publica is not a State?

Friday, May 15, 2009

9.00: Departure with the minibus to Novgorod the Great

12.00 – 14.00: excursion around the Novgorod Kremlin, and light lunch (sandwiches)

Presentations, 14.00 – 16.00:

Sergei Troianovsky (Novgorod Archeological Center),
“Northern Venice” in 1136-1471: Comparing History and Political Economy of the Rialto Bridge in Venice and of the Great Bridge in Medieval Novgorod (Underwater excavations and archival research, 2005-2009)

Mikhail Krom (EUSP),
Was Muscovite Annexation of Pskov in January 1510 the Collapse of the "Last Russian Republic"? Some Comments on the Pskov Judiciary Charter

16.00 – 17.00: Visit to see the restored Byzantine frescoes in the Church of the Savior on Ilyina street and to the Novgorod archeological expedition HQ

17.00 – 19.00:
Paul D. McLean (Rutgers University),
Citizen or Denizen: The Counterpoint Between Republican Participation and Private Interest in Renaissance Florence

Mikhail Sokolov (EUSP)
Then and Now: Self-Governing Communities in Medieval and Early Modern Europe and Republican Principles in Contemporary Academic Authority Systems

19.00 – 19.30:
Final Discussion
Republicanism: Does Political Theory Survive a Meeting with History, Archeology and Sociology?