Ella Saginadze Defends Her Candidate of Science Dissertation


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On December 24 Ella Saginadze defended her Candidate of Science dissertation in the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The topic of her dissertation is  “Obrazy otstavnogo sanovnika: S. Yu. Vitte i obshchestvennoe mnenie (1906-1915) [Images of a Retired Dignitary: Sergei Witte and Public Opinion (1906-1915)].”

Ms. Saginadze’s work was completed at the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and at the EUSP’s History Department.

Academic advisor: Boris Kolonitsky, Doctor of Science in History, head research fellow at the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and professor at the European University at St. Petersburg.

We congratulate Ella Saginadze on her successful defense and achievement of the Candidate’s Degree in the Historical Sciences!