IMARES & ENERPO Workshop: What Is the Matter With Belarus and Where Is It All Heading?

Добавить в календарь 2020-12-08 17:00:00 2024-07-18 06:27:01 IMARES & ENERPO Workshop: What Is the Matter With Belarus and Where Is It All Heading? Description Онлайн International programs Europe/Moscow public
International programs
Dr. Alexei Pikulik

Platform: Zoom 

The lecture is on the recent political and economic developments in Belarus. The year 2020 brought about unprecedented social mobilization in Belarus against Alyaksandr Lukashenka in the aftermath of COVID-19 mismanagement, forged elections, and brutal usage of violence. The events in Belarus these days resemble a natural laboratory and are worth following closely.


Dr. Alexei Pikulik resides in Belarus where he runs multiple businesses in the areas of dairy, wholesale trading, and oil&gas. Between 2009 and 2016 Dr. Pikulik was IMARES Professor at EUSP.  Dr. Alexei Pikulik earned his Ph.D. in political science from the European University Institute (Florence, Italy), master’s degree in economic sociology and bachelor’s degree from Belarusian State University. In addition to that, Dr. Pikulik studied business and finance at Friedrich Shiller University (Jena, Germany) and at Vlerick Business School (Ghent, Belgium).


The IMARES and ENERPO Workshop Series host prominent representatives from the fields of academia, business, and politics. Our guest speakers share their knowledge and experience by touching upon a variety of topics related to Russian and Eurasian Studies. The lectures are followed by a Q&A session.


Only EUSP students and employees can join this online lecture. For further details, please contact us at