The annual conference on visual studies, history and theory of photography After Post-Photography will take place on 11-13 April at the International school of arts and cultural heritage at European University at St. Petersburg, and online.
The conference exists since 2015 to bring together researchers of photography from different academic fields and foster interdisciplinary discussion that challenges and reflects new approaches, discoveries and hypotheses in photography studies.
Conference programme is here. Working languages are Russian and English, interpreting will be provided.
Мероприятие состоится очно и онлайн. Для участия зарегистрируйтесь на Timepad.
В Европейском университете действует пропускной режим. При регистрации на мероприятие просим указывать ФИО как в паспорте, а также брать с собой документы, удостоверяющие личность.