RES PUBLICA. A HISTORY OF THE CONCEPT, Kharkhordin O.V., editor, Collected articles

Center «Res Publica»
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This book is needed, first of all, so that research on the history of the concept of res publica becomes available to a wider academic community. Latin scholars will be comfortable reading such works in German or French in the original, but this translation makes them accessible to anyone interested in the classical republican tradition. The EUSP Research Center Res Publica decided to collect translations [into Russian] of some of the main texts under one cover. Koselleck and his colleagues' well-known dictionary points to the articles of Stark and Drexler as the place to start in any study of the European equivalents of the term res publica, and Schürbaum summarizes the debate in German academic research on the subject over the roughly 100 years from the late 19th to the late 20th centuries . Flury's article is useful for contextualizing knowledge of res publica through knowledge of the term res.