Director of Development, Paleogenomics Laboratory
- Academic biography
- Publications
Academic paper/Article
- 2025 Nedoluzhko A., Vergasova E., Sharko F., Agapitova N., Kharitonov D., Sukhanova X., Pushkina O., Pankova S., Slobodova N., Boulygina E., Plotnikov N., Kim A., Uchaneva E., Pogodina N., Ilinskaya A., Rakitko A., Chugunov K., Ilinsky V.: Ancient DNA analysis of elite nomadic warrior from Chinge-Tey I funerary commemorative complex in the “Valley of the Kings”, Tuva // BMC Genomics. 2025. V.26. 220. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-025-11361-y.
- 2024 Nedoluzhko A., Boeskorov G., Tikhonov A., Protopopov A.: 20th anniversary of the history of genetic research on cave lions: A short review // Earth History and Biodiversity. 2024. V. 2. 100013. doi:10.1016/j.hisbio.2024.100013
- 2024 Rbbani G., Murshed R., Siriyappagouder P., Sharko F., Nedoluzhko A., Joshi R., Galindo-Villegas J., Raeymaekers J.A.M., Fernandes J.M.O.: Embryonic temperature has long-term effects on muscle circRNA expression and somatic growth in Nile tilapia // Front Cell Dev Biol. 2024. V.12:1369758. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2024.1369758.
- 2024 Cheprasov M.Yu., Boeskorov G.G., Novgorodov G.P., Tikhonov A.N., Grigorieva L.V., Boulygina E.S., Slobodova N.V., Sharko F.S., Protopopov A.V., Nedoluzhko A.V.: First description of a mummified Middle Holocene brown bear from the New Siberian Islands, Russia // Ursus. 2024. V.35e10. p.1-12
- 2024 Skjærven K.H., Alix M., Kleppe L., Fernandes J.M.O., Whatmore P., Nedoluzhko A., Andersson E., Kjesbu O.S.: Ocean warming shapes embryonic developmental prospects of the next generation in Atlantic cod // ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2024. fsae025. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsae025. Q1 (Scopus)
- 2024 Montero D., Torrecillas S., Serradell A., Nedoluzhko A., Fernández-Montero Á., Makol A., Monzón-Atienza L., Valdenegro V., Sanahuja I., Galindo-Villegas J., Acosta F.: Phytogenics enhance welfare and vaccine efficacy against Vibrio anguillarum in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles. Aquaculture. 2024. V.585. 740714. Q1 (Scopus)
- 2024 Sharko F.S., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Slobodova N.V., Rastorguev S.M., Krasivskaya A.A., Belinsky A.B., Härke H., Kadieva A.A., Demidenko S.V., Malashev V.Y., Shvedchikova T.Y., Dobrovolskaya M.V., Reshetova I.K., Korobov D.S., Nedoluzhko A.V..: Koban culture genome-wide and archeological data open the bridge between Bronze and Iron Ages in the North Caucasus // Eur J Hum Genet. 2024. doi: 10.1038/s41431-023-01524-4. Q1 (Scopus)
- 2023 Gladysheva-Azgari M.G., Sharko F.S., Evteeva M.A., Kuvyrchenkova A.P., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Slobodova N.V., Pustovoit K.S., Melkina O.E., Nedoluzhko A.V., Korzhenkov A.A., Kudryavtseva A.A.,Utkina A.A., Manukhov I.V., Rastorguev S.M., Zavilgelsky G.B.: ArdA genes from pKM101 and from B. bifidum chromosome have a different range of regulated genes // Heliyon. V.9(12). e22986. Q1 (Scopus)
- 2023 Чепрасов М.Ю., Боескоров Г.Г., Новгородов Г.П., Тихонов А.Н., Григорьева Л.В., Булыгина Е.С., Слободова Н.В., Шарко Ф.С., Протопопов А.В., Недолужко А.В.: Среднеголоценовый бурый медведь (Ursus arctos) с острова Большой Ляховский (Новосибирские острова) // Доклады Академии Наук. 2023. Т. 513. № 1. С. 533-538. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0012496623700692. Q3 (Scopus)
- 2023 Nedoluzhko A. Ancient DNA: the past for the future // BMC Genomics. 2023. V.24. 309. Q1 (Scopus)
- 2023 Nedoluzhko A. Sea of opportunities: marine genomics in an era of global environmental change // BMC Genomics. 2023. V.24. 286. Q1 (Scopus)
- 2023 Sharko F., Slobodova N., Boulygina E., Cheprasov, M., Gladysheva-Azgari M., Tsygankova S., Rastorguev S., Novgorodov G., Boeskorov G., Grigorieva L., Hwang W.S., Tikhonov A., Nedoluzhko A. Ancient DNA of the Don-Hares Assumes the Existence of Two Distinct Mitochondrial Clades in Northeast Asia // Genes. 2023. V.14. 700. Q2 (Scopus)
- 2023 Коробов Д.С., Булыгина Е.C., Слободова Н.В., Шарко Ф.С., Недолужко А..: Генетическое разнообразие жителей Центрального Предкавказья в I тыс. до н.э. – I тыс. н.э. по данным митохондриальной ДНК // Российская Археология. 2023. №1. С. 53 - 69, Q2 (Scopus)
- 2023 Rbbani G., Nedoluzhko A., Siriyappagouder P., Sharko F., Galindo-Villegas J., Raeymaekers J.A.M., Joshi R., Fernandes J.M.O. The novel circular RNA CircMef2c is positively associated with muscle growth in Nile tilapia // Genomics. 2023. 110598, Q2 (Scopus)
- 2023 Sharko F., Rbbani G., Siriyappagouder P., Raeymaekers J.A.M., Galindo-Villegas J., Nedoluzhko A., Fernandes J.M.O. CircPrime: a web-based platform for design of specific circular RNA primers // BMC Bioinformatics. 2023. V.24. 205, Q1 (Scopus)
- 2022 Boulygina E., Sharko F., Cheprasov M., Gladysheva-Azgari M., Slobodova N., Tsygankova S., Rastorguev S., Grigorieva L., Kopp M., Hwang W.-S., Novgorodov G., Boeskorov G., Protopopov A., Fernandes J.M.O., Tikhonov A., Nedoluzhko A. Ancient DNA Reveals Maternal Philopatry of the Northeast Eurasian Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) Population during the Holocene // Genes. 2022. V.13(11). 1961, Q2 (Scopus)
- 2022 Nedoluzhko A., Orlova S.Y., Kurnosov D.S., Orlov A.M., Galindo-Villegas J., Rastorguev S.M. Genomic Signatures of Freshwater Adaptation in Pacific Herring (Clupea pallasii) // Genes. 2022. V. 13 (10). 1856, Q2 (Scopus)
- 2022 Nedoluzhko A., Sharko F., Tsygankova S., Boulygina E., Slobodova N., Teslyuk A., Galindo-Villegas J., Rastorguev S. Intergeneric Hybridization of Two Stickleback Species Leads to Introgression of Membrane-Associated Genes and Invasive TE Expansion // Frontiers in Genetics. 2022. V.13. 863547, Q2 (Scopus)
- 2022 Charlie-Silva I., Martins Feitosa N., De Pontes L., Fernandes B.H., Nóbrega R.H., Gomes J.M., Prata M.N., Ferraris F.K., Melo D.C., Conde G., Rodrigues L.F., Aracati M.F., Corrêa-Junior J.D., Manrique W.G., Superio J., Garcez A.S., Conceição K., Yoshimura T.M., Nunez S.C., Eto S.F., Fernandes D.C., Freitas A.Z., Ribeiro M.S., Nedoluzhko A., Lopes-Ferreira M., Borra R.C., Barcellos L.J., Perez A., Malafaia G., Cunha T.M., Belo M., Galindo-Villegas J. Plasma Proteome Responses in Zebrafish Following λ-Carrageenan-Induced Inflammation are Mediated by PMN Leukocytes and Correlate Highly with their Human Counterparts // Frontiers in Immunology. 2022. V. 13. 1019201, Q1 (Scopus)
- 2022 Sharko, F.S., Rastorguev, S.M., Tikhonov, A.N., Nedoluzhko A.V. Reply to: “Steller’s sea cow uncertain history illustrates importance of ecological context when interpreting demographic histories from genomes”. Nature Communications. 2022. V.13. 3672, Q1 (Scopus)
- 2022 Levin B., Simonov E., Gabrielyan B.K., Mayden R.L., Rastorguev S.M., Roubenyan H.R., Sharko F.S., Nedoluzhko A.V.: Caucasian treasure: genomics sheds light on the evolution of half-extinct Sevan trout, Salmo ischchan, species flock // Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2022. V.167. 107346, Q1 (Scopus)
- 2021 Orlova S.Y., Rastorguev S., Bagno T., Kurnosov D., Nedoluzhko A.: Genetic structure of marine and lake forms of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii // PeerJ. 2021. V. 9. e12444.
- 2021 Erlikh V.R., Gak E.I., Kleshchenko A.A., Sharko F.S., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Slobodova N.V., Rastorguev S.M., Nedoluzhko A., Godizov G.L., Chandrasekaran S.: Potential maternal kinship among humans from the Northern Caucasus “post-dolmen” burials // Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2021. V.39. 103198.
- 2021 Nedoluzhko A., Mjelle R., Renström M., Skjærven K.H., Piferrer F., Fernandes J.M.O.: The first mitochondrial 5-methylcytosine map in a non-model teleost (Oreochromis niloticus) reveals extensive strand-specific and non-CpG methylation // Genomics. 2021. V.113(5). P.3050-3057.
- 2021 Abdelhafiz Y.A., Fernandes J.M.O., Larger S., Albanese D., Donati C., Jafari O., Nedoluzhko A.V., Kiron V.: Breeding strategy shapes the composition of bacterial communities in female Nile tilapia reared in a recirculating aquaculture system // Frontiers in Microbiology. 2021. V.12. 709611https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.709611. 2021. V.12. 709611
- 2021 Konstantinidis I., Anastasiadi D., Sætrom P., Nedoluzhko A.V., Mjelle R., Podgorniak T., Piferrer F., Fernandes J.M.O.: Epigenetic mapping of the somatotropic axis in Nile tilapia reveals differential DNA hydroxymethylation marks associated with growth // Genomics. 2021. 113(5). P.2953-2964
- 2021 Rbbani G., Nedoluzhko A., Galindo-Villegas J., Fernandes J.M.O.: Function of Circular RNAs in Fish and Their Potential Application as Biomarkers // International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. 22. 7119
- 2021 Shalgimbayeva G., Volkov A., Slobodova N., Sharko F., Tsygankova S., Boulygina E., Nguyen V.Q., Pham T.T., Nguyen D.T., Assylbekova S.Z., Alekseev Y., Nedoluzhko A., Fernandes J.M.O., Rastorguev S.: Genetic Investigation of Aral Wild Common Carp Populations (Cyprinus carpio) Using ddRAD Sequencing // Diversity. 2021. V. 13 (7). 295.
- 2021 Spasskaya N.N., Pavlinov I.Ya., Sharko F.S., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Nedoluzhko A.V., Boeskorov G.G., Mashchenko E.N.: Morphometric and genetic analyses of diversity of the Lena horse (Equus lenensis Russanov, 1968; Mammalia: Equidae) // Russian J. Theriol. 2021. V. 20(1). P.82–95.
- 2021 Nedoluzhko A., Sharko F., Tsygankova S., Boulygina E., Ibragimova A., Teslyuk A., Galindo-Villegas J., Rastorguev S.: Genomic evidence supports the introgression between two sympatric stickleback species inhabiting the White Sea basin // Heliyon. 2021. V.7(2). e06160.
- 2021 Sharko, F.S., Boulygina, E.S., Tsygankova, S.V., Slobodova N.V., Alekseev D.A., Krasivskaya A.A., Rastorguev S.M., Tikhonov A.N., Nedoluzhko A.V.: Steller’s sea cow genome suggests this species began going extinct before the arrival of Paleolithic humans // Nature Communications. 2021. 12. 2215.
- 2021 Nedoluzhko A.V., Gladysheva-Azgari M.V., Shalgimbayeva G.M., Volkov A.A., Slobodova N.V., Tsygankova S.V., Boulygina E.S., Nguyen V.Q., Pham T.T., Nguyen D.T., Sharko F.S., Rastorguev S.M.: Genetic contribution of domestic European common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) and Amur carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus) to the wild Vietnamese carp population as revealed by ddRAD sequencing // Aquaculture. 2021. 737049.
- 2020 Nedoluzhko A., Gruzdeva N., Sharko F., Rastorguev S., Zakharova N., Kostyuk G., Ushakov V.: The Biomarker and Therapeutic Potential of Circular Rnas in Schizophrenia. Cells. 2020. V.9. 2238
- 2020 Nedoluzhko A., Sharko F., Rbbani M.G., Teslyuk A., Konstantinidis I., Fernandes J.M.O.: CircParser: a novel streamlined pipeline for circular RNA structure and host gene prediction in non-model organisms // PeerJ. 2020. V.8. e8757
- 2020 Nedoluzhko A.V., Slobodova N.V., Sharko F., Shalgimbayeva G.M., Tsygankova S.V., Boulygina E.S., Jeney Z., Nguyen V.Q., Pham T.T., Nguyen D.T., Volkov A.A., Fernandes J.M.O., Rastorguev S.M.: A new strain group of common carp: The genetic differences and admixture events between Cyprinus carpio breeds // Ecology and Evolution. 2020. V.10(12). p. 5431-5439.
- 2020 Boulygina E., Tsygankova S., Sharko F., Slobodova N., Gruzdeva N., Rastorguev S., Belinsky A., Härke H., Kadieva A., Demidenko S., Shvedchikova T., Dobrovolskaya M., Reshetova I., Korobov D., Nedoluzhko A.: Mitochondrial and Y-chromosome diversity of the prehistoric Koban culture of the North Caucasus // Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2020. V.31. 102357.
- 2020 Konstantinidis I., Sætrom P., Mjelle R., Nedoluzhko A.V., Robledo D., Fernandes J.M.O.: Major gene expression changes and epigenetic remodelling in Nile tilapia muscle after just one generation of domestication // Epigenetics. 2020. V.15(10). p. 1052-1067.
- 2020 Nedoluzhko A.V., Sharko F.S., Tsygankova S.V., Boulygina E.S., Barmintseva A.E., Krasivskaya A.A., Ibragimova A.S., Gruzdeva N.M., Rastorguev S.M., Mugue N.S.: Molecular phylogeny of one extinct and two critically endangered Central Asian sturgeon species (genus Pseudoscaphirhynchus) based on their mitochondrial genomes // Scientific Reports. 2020. V.10(1). 722.
- 2020 Nedoluzhko A.V., Sharko F.S., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Slobodova N.V., Gruzdeva N.M., Rastorguev S.M., Spasskaya N.N., Maschenko E.N.: The complete mitochondrial genome of the extinct Pleistocene horse (Equus cf. lenensis) from Kotelny Island (New Siberian Islands, Russia) and its phylogenetic assessment // Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 2020. V.5(1). p. 243-245.
- 2019 Sharko F.S., Boulygina E.S., Rastorguev S.M., Tsygankova S.V., Tomkovich P.S., Nedoluzhko A.V.: Phylogenetic position of the presumably extinct slender-billed curlew, Numenius tenuirostris // Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 2019. V.30(4). p. 626-631.
- 2019 Sharko F.S., Rastorguev S.M., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Ibragimova A.S., Tikhonov A.N., Nedoluzhko A.V.: Molecular phylogeny of the extinct Steller's sea cow and other Sirenia species based on their complete mitochondrial genomes // Genomics. 2019. V.111(6). P.1543-1546.
- 2018 Rastorguev S.M., Nedoluzhko A.V., Gruzdeva N.M., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Oshchepkov D.Y., Mazur A.M., Prokhortchouk E.B., Skryabin K.G.: Gene Expression in the Three-Spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) of Marine and Freshwater Ecotypes // Acta Naturae. 2018. V. 10(1). P. 66-74.
- 2018 Nedoluzhko A.V., Rastorguev S.M., Simonov E., Boulygina E.S., Sharko F.S., Tsygankova S.V., Nguyen V.Q. Gabrielyan B.K., Roubenyan H.R., Levin B.A.: Sequencing of two mitochondrial genomes of endangered form of the Sevan trout Salmo ischchan aestivalis // Mitochondrial DNA Part B. V. 3(2). P. 469-471
- 2018 Nedoluzhko A.V., Rastorguev S.M., Simonov E., Boulygina E.S., Sharko F.S., Tsygankova S.V., Gabrielyan B.K., Roubenyan H.R., Levin B.A.: Two complete mitochondrial genomes of extinct form of the Sevan trout Salmo ischchan danilewskii // Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 2018. V. 3(1). P. 469 -471
- 2018 Levin B.A., Rastorguev S.M., Simonov E., Boulygina E.S., Sharko F.S., Tsygankova S.V., Gabrielyan B.K., Roubenyan H.R., Mayden R.L., Nedoluzhko A.V.: High-throughput sequencing of the mitochondrial genomes from archived fish scales: an example of the extinct species flock of Sevan trout Salmo ischchan // Hydrobiologia. 2018. V.822. p. 217–228.
- 2017 Nedoluzhko, A.V., Kadnikov, V.V., Beletsky, A.V., Sharko F.S., Tsygankova S.V., Mardanov A.V., Ravin N.V., Skryabin K.G.: Microorganisms associated with microscopic insects Megaphragma amalphitanum and Scydosella musawasensis // Microbiology. 2017. V.86. P.533-535.
- 2017 Chuvakova L.N., Sharko F.S., Nedoluzhko A.V., Polilov A.A., Prokhorchuk E.B., Skryabin K.G., Evgen'ev M.B.: Hsp70 Genes of the Megaphragma amalphitanum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) Parasitic Wasp // Molecular Biology (Mosk). 2017. V.51(4). P.615-621
- 2017 Sharko F.S., Nedoluzhko A.V., Rastorguev S.M., Tsygankova S.V., Boulygina E.S., Polilov A.A., Prokhortchouk E.B., Skryabin K.G.: The mitochondrial gene order and CYTB gene evolution in insects // Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2017. V.21(3). P.368-373
- 2017 Rastorguev S., Nedoluzhko A., Gruzdeva N., Boulygina E., Sharko F., Ibragimova A., Tsygankova S., Artemov A., Skryabin K., Prokhortchouk E.: Differential miRNA expression in the three-spined stickleback, response to environmental changes // Scientific Reports. 2017. V. 7(1). 18089.
- 2017 Artemov A.V., Mugue N.S., Rastorguev S.M., Zhenilo S., Mazur A.M., S.V. Tsygankova, Boulygina E.S., Kaplun D., Nedoluzhko A.V. , Medvedeva Y.A., Prokhortchouk E.B.: Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling reveals epigenetic adaptation of stickleback to marine and freshwater conditions // Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2017. V.34(9). p. 2203-2213.
- 2016 Nedoluzhko A.V., Sharko F.S., Tsygankova S.V., Boulygina E.S., Sokolov A.S., Rastorguev S.M., Kadnikov V.V., Mardanov A.V., Ravin N.V., Mazur A.M., Polilov A.A., Gruzdeva N.M., Prokhortchouk E.B., Skryabin K.G.: Metagenomic analysis of microbial community of a parasitoid wasp Megaphragma amalphitanum // Genom Data. 2016. V.11. P.87-88
- 2016 Aulov V., Klimentov A., Mashinistov R., Nedoluzhko A., Novikov A., Poyda A., Sharko F., Tertychnyy I., Teslyuk A.: Integration of Heterogeneous Computing Infrastructures for Genome Sequencing Data Analysis // Math. Biol. Bioinf. 2016. V.11(2). P.205-213
- 2016 Shulga O.A., Nedoluzhko A.V., Shchennikova A.V., Gruzdeva N.M., Shelenkov A.A., Sharko F.S., Sokolov A.S., Pantiukh E.S., Rastorguev S.M., Prokhortchouk E.B., Skryabin K.G.: Profiling of microRNAs in wild type and early flowering transgenic Chrysanthemum morifolium by deep sequencing. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC). 2016. V.128. P.283–301
- 2016 Nedoluzhko A.V., Sharko F.S., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Sokolov A.S., Mazur A.M., Polilov A.A., Prokhortchouk E.B., Skryabin K.G.: The complete mitochondrial genome of the smallest known free-living insect Scydosella musawasensis // Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 2016. V.1(1). P.171-172
- 2016 Rastorguev S.M., Nedoluzhko A.V., Levina M.A., Prokhortchouk E.B., Levin B.A.. Pleiotropic Effect of Thyroid Hormones on Gene Expression in Fish as Exemplified by the Blue Bream Ballerus ballerus (Cyprinidae): Results of Transcriptomic Analysis // Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2016. V.467. P.124-127
- 2016 Sharko F.S., Shapovalova A.A., Tsygankova S.V., Komova A.V., Boulygina E.S., Teslyuk A.B., Gotovtsev P.M., Namsaraev Z.B., Khijniak T.V., Nedoluzhko A.V., Vasilov R.G.: Draft Genome Sequence of “Halomonas chromatireducens” Strain AGD 8-3, a Haloalkaliphilic Chromate- and Selenite-Reducing Gammaproteobacterium // Genome Announcements. 2016. V.4(2). e00160-16.
- 2016 Rastorguev S., Nedoluzhko A., Sharko F., Boulygina E., Sokolov A., Gruzdeva N., Skryabin K., Prokhortchouk E.: Identification of novel microRNA genes in freshwater and marine forms of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) // Molecular Ecology Resources. 2016. V.16(6). p. 1491-1498.
- 2016 Sokolov A.S., Nedoluzhko A.V., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Gruzdeva N.M., Shishlov A.V., Kolpakova A., Rezepkin A.D., Skryabin K.G., Prokhortchouk E.B.: Six complete mitochondrial genomes from Early Bronze Age humans in the North Caucasus // Journal of Archaeological Sciences. 2016. V.73. p. 138–144.
- 2015 Nedoluzhko A.V., Boulygina E.S., Polilov A.A., Sharko F.S., Mazur A.M., Tsygankova S.V., Sokolov A.S., Prokhortchouk E.B., Skryabin K.G.: Mitochondrial genome of Megaphragma amalphitanum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) // Mitochondrial DNA Part A. 2016. V.27(6). P.4526-4527
- 2015 Librado P., Sarkissian C.D., Ermini L., Schubert M., Jónsson H., Albrechtsen A., Fumagalli M., Yang M.A., Gamba C., Seguin-Orlando A., Mortensen C.D., Petersen B., Hoover C.A., Lorente-Galdos B., Nedoluzhko A., Boulygina E., Tsygankova S., Neuditschko M., Jagannathan V., Thèves C., Alfarhan A.H., Alquraishi S.A., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Sicheritz-Ponten T., Popov R., Grigoriev S., Alekseev A.N., Rubin E.M., McCue M., Rieder S., Leeb T., Tikhonov A., Crubézy E., Slatkin M., Marques-Bonet T., Nielsen R., Willerslev E., Kantanen J., Prokhortchouk E., Orlando L.: Tracking the origins of Yakutian horses and the genetic basis for their fast adaptation to subarctic environments // PNAS. 2015. V.112(50). E6889-6897.
- 2015 Seguin-Orlando A., Gamba C., Sarkissian C.D., Ermini L., Louvel G., Boulygina E., Sokolov A., Nedoluzhko A., Lorenzen E.D., Lopez P., McDonald H.G., Scott E., Tikhonov A., Stafford T.W., Alfarhan A.H., Alquraishi S.A., Al-Rasheid K.A.S., Shapiro B., Willerslev E., Prokhortchouk E., Orlando L.: Pros and cons of methylation-based enrichment methods for ancient DNA // Scientific Reports. 2015. 11826. doi:10.1038/srep11826.
- 2014 Nedoluzhko A.V., Boulygina E.S., Sokolov A.S., Tsygankova S.V., Gruzdeva N.M., Rezepkin A.D., Prokhortchouk E.B.: Analysis of the Mitochondrial Genome of a Novosvobodnaya Culture Representative using Next-Generation Sequencing and Its Relation to the Funnel Beaker Culture // Acta Naturae. 2014. V.6(2). p. 31-35.
- 2013 Mardanov A.V., Babykin M.M., Beletsky A.V., Grigoriev A.I., Zinchenko V.V., Kadnikov V.V., Kirpichnikov M.P., Mazur A.M., Nedoluzhko A.V., Novikova N.D., Prokhortchouk E.B., Ravin N.V., Skryabin K.G., Shestakov S.V.: Metagenomic Analysis of the Dynamic Changes in the Gut Microbiome of the Participants of the MARS-500 Experiment, Simulating Long Term Space Flight. Acta Naturae. 2013. V.5(3). P.116-125
- 2013 Rastorguev S.M., Nedoluzhko A.V., Mazur A.M., Gruzdeva N.M., Volkov A.A., Barmintseva A.E., Mugue N.S., Prokhortchouk E.B.: High-throughput SNP-genotyping analysis of the relationships among Ponto-Caspian sturgeon species // Ecol Evol. 2013. V.3(8). p. 2612-2618.
- 2012 Mardanov A.V., Bulygina E.S., Nedoluzhko A.V., Kadnikov V.V., Beletskii A.V., Tsygankova S.V., Tikhonov A.N., Ravin N.V., Prokhorchuk E.B., Skryabin K.G.: Molecular analysis of the intestinal microbiome composition of mammoth and woolly rhinoceros // Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics. 2012. V.445(1). p. 203-206.
- 2009 Skryabin K.G., Prokhortchouk E.B., Mazur A.M., Boulygina E.S., Tsygankova S.V., Nedoluzhko A.V., Rastorguev S.M., Matveev V.B., Chekanov N.N., Goranskaya D.A., Teslyuk A.B., Gruzdeva N.M., Velikhov V.E., Zaridze D.G., Kovalchuk M.V.: Combining Two Technologies for Full Genome Sequencing of Human // Acta Naturae. 2009. V.1(3). p. 102-107.
- 2008 Nedoluzhko A.V., Tikhonov A.V., Dorokhov D.B.: Molecular genetic analysis of wild soybean (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc.) population structure in anthropogenic and natural landscapes of Primorskii krai // Russian Journal of Genetics. 2008. V. 44(8). p. 944-947.
- 2007 Nedoluzhko A.V., Dorokhov D.B.: Study of the biosafety of genetically modified soybean in the center of its origin and diversity in the Far East of the Russian Federation // Cytology and Genetics. 2007. V. 41(3). p. 190-198.
Chapter in a Collective Monograph
Popular Science Articles/Papers
- 2021 Недолужко А.В.: Исторический геном стеллеровой коровы проливает свет на причины ее вымирания
- 2021 Недолужко А.В.: Одноклеточное секвенирование: разделяй, изучай и властвуй
- 2020 Недолужко А.В.: Криминалистика. Молекулярно-генетическая экспертиза
- 2018 Недолужко А.В.: Нанопоровое секвенирование: на пороге третьей геномной революции
- 2018 Недолужко А.В.: Видообразование через адаптацию
- 2018 Недолужко А.В.: Видообразование на наших глазах
- 2017 Недолужко А.В.: 12 методов в картинках: секвенирование нуклеиновых кислот
- 2017 Недолужко А.В.: Древняя ДНК приоткрывает тайны вымерших форелей озера Севан
- 2016 Недолужко А.В.: Адаптации и мутации
- 2016 Недолужко А.В.: Бруцеллёз из Бронзового века
- 2014 Недолужко А.В.: Древняя ДНК: привет из прошлого