Anna Rotkirch is a sociologist specialized in comparative research on families in Europe. Current research interests include fertility, grandparenting, and friendship. The book “No time for Children?” (Palgrave, 2013), co-edited with Ann Buchanan, explored reasons for falling fertility rates in different world regions. Her recent book “Yhdessä – Lapsen kasvatus ei ole yksilölaji” (2014) explores the need for support networks for parents extending beyond the nuclear family. Rotkirch’s research has appeared in nine languages and she regularly writes columns for newspapers and magazines.
She is Doctor in Social Sciences and Docent in Social Policy and Women’s studies (University of Helsinki). Currently she is Director of Population Research Institute, Väestöliitto. Before she was Academic visitor at the Department of Social Policy and St John’s College, University of Oxford (2010 - 2011, 11/2012), and Visiting professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota, USA (1998).