September 18-19, 10:00-19:00
International workshop Urban STS: Assembling New Perspectives
The urban form is the principal domain of study from a number of fields, among them Urban Studies, Urban Theory, Theory of Planning and Architecture, yet the varied approaches offer entangled, and sometimes contradictory conceptualizations of the city. This is understandable: the myriad approaches underline the inherent multiplicity of cities. Some might emphasize speak the material city of buildings, roads, utilities, city blocks and their physical and information infrastructure, while others focus on the cultural city of multitudes, representations, texts, senses, imagination and affect. The political city is the platform for inquiry into power, governance, public policies, and welfare, and the productive city guides discussions about urban economies, their ecological impacts, social inequality, and sustainability. Given the common ground, however, could there be a perspective that cuts across these thematic divisions and delineated fields of inquiry, and addresses the need in capturing the urban in its immediacy, contemporaneity and complexity?
The two-day workshop Urban STS: Assembling New Perspectives discusses how the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) can become a productive optic for the study of cities. International participants from Russia, Europe, Asia and the UK present recent scholarship, contributing to thinking about four main issues: Mediation, Time, (Techno)Politics, and Comparisons. Presented papers and discussions range from issues of architecture and design to technical infrastructure to ecology.
The event is organized by the Center for Science and Technology Studies (European University at St. Petersburg), in cooperation with Munich Centre for Technology in Society (Technical University of Munich) and Centre for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich).
List of participants:
- Anders Blok (University of Copenhagen)
- Lyubov Chernysheva (European Unversity at Saint-Petersburg)
- Michael Crang (Durham University)
- Tomas Sanchez Criado (Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technische Universität München)
- Julio Da Cruz Paulos (Center for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment, ETH Zürich)
- Isabelle Doucet (School of Environment, Education and Development
- University of Manchester)
- Ignacio Farias (Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technische Universität München)
- Anastasia Golovniova (European Unversity at Saint-Petersburg)
- Jane Jacobs (Yale-NUS College)
- Alberto Corsin Jimenez (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
- Andrew Karvonen (University of Manchester)
- Monika Kurath (Center for Research on Architecture, Society & the Built Environment, ETH Zürich)
- Andrey Kuznetsov (Volgograd State University)
- Alan Latham (University College London)
- Marko Marskamp (University of Lausanne, Institute for Geography and Sustainability)
- Colin McFarlane (Durham University)
- Pim Peters (Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technische Universität München)
- Indrawan Prabaharyaka (Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technische Universität München)
- Olga Sezneva (European University at Saint-Petersburg)
- Alexis Laurence Waller (Munich Center for Technology in Society, Technische Universität München)
- Alexander Wentland (WZB Berlin Social Science Center)
- Diana West (European University at Saint-Petersburg)
Friday: European University, Golden Hall and White Hall (3 Gagarinskaya St.)
Saturday: Radisson Sonya Hotel, Epilogue hall (5/19 Liteyniy ave)