Seminar "University Endowments and Target Capital in the USA and Russia"



A seminar jointly organized by the EUSP and the Regional Public Organization “Council of Rectors of Institutions of Higher Education in Saint Petersburg” took place in the White Hall.

As part of the seminar, Russian and American specialists on university endowments presented the results of joint research carried out in recent years by NACUBO and the Common Fund for Endowment in the U.S.

Listed below are some of the seminar materials:

-  The seminar program (in Russian)
A presentation of the Fund of the European University at St. Petersburg (in Russian)

The National Association of College and University Business Officers
-  Information about NACUBO
-  Matthew Hamill’s presentation on U.S. College and University Endowment Management and Investment Performance

Allianz Investments
Information about Allianz Investments (in Russian)
The Allianz Investments presentation “Strategies for Limiting Risk” (in Russian)

TKB BNP Pariba Investment Partners (JSC)
Information about the company TKB BNP Pariba Investment Partners (JSC) (in Russian)
TKB BNP Pariba Investment Partners’ (JSC) presentation “Asset Management of Russian Endowment Funds with a Focus on Risk Management.”

Representatives of the Investment Group Cbonds analyzed their findings of the seminar in the document “University Endowments/Target Capital in the United States and Russia—Material in Real Time from the European University at St. Petersburg.”