The Work of an EUSP Graduate is Awarded the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize



The Work of an EUSP Graduate is Awarded the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize

December 10, Stockholm hosted the annual Nobel Prize awards. The Nobel Prize Committee awarded the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for its tremendous efforts in the fight for the elimination of chemical weapons.

We would like to congratulate 2002 EUSP graduate Vera Hanus, who is currently the Political Affairs Officer for the OPCW. 

Read an interview with Vera in HEUTE.DE here (in German).


The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was created in 1997 with the support of the United Nations. Its main objectives are to ensure compliance with the chemical weapons ban, to liquidate weapons reserves, to promote cooperation and collaboration in the field of peaceful chemistry, to assist states in providing protection against chemical weapons, and non-proliferation of chemical.