The Seventh Meeting of Friends and Trustees of the EUSP Endowment Fund


Member of the Board of Trustees, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin and Director of the State Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky told the guests about the history of the University and about the newly ratified Strategy, which is intended on making EUSP the NUMBER ONE University in the areas of social sciences and humanities in Russia; it will also ensure EUSP’s entrance into the international academic market. Rector Oleg Kharkhordin recounted to those in attendance about the main achievements of the University during the past year. Following this, students from the Department of Economics introduced their department to the guests and showed examples of research and scientific projects developed by them. At the end of the meeting Vice Rector for Development Alexander Kurylev made a short presentation about successful fundraising campaigns in obtaining funding for the endowment and new named professorships, created through the support of our donors. In return, representatives of these donors were given honorary plaques, presented to them by Alexei Kudrin.

After the official part of the meeting, guest had a chance to mingle and meet with faculty and staff of EUSP, and to discuss new possibilities of cooperation.

Alexei Kudrin's speech