On November, 2, STS Center research fellows held a section of "STS in action" at the conference "The contours of the future: technology and innovation in cultural context". The idea was that the format of the fair projects of the Center, discuss their results and prospects.
Lilia zemnukhova made a report on the study of Russian computer scientists at home and abroad – about the methodological features, results, and subsequent spinoff.
Nikolay Rudenko presented the case of conductors of public transport in the transition to digital monitoring of travel and preparation of St. Petersburg to the world Cup. About "living infrastructures" continued to tell the Love Chernysheva examples of separate waste collection and urban bicycles through urban citizenship and the reorganisation of infrastructures.
Sergey Belov (ITMO University) shared his first observations on how you can construct your expertise in science museums, for example, the Polytechnic Museum in Moscow. Completed section of the report Polina Petrukhina, Moscow state University, about theoretical and applied capacities of the actor-network approach to the study of innovation.