Sixth Anniversary of the “Fire Crisis”


EUSP commemorated the end of the so-called “Fire Crisis” for the sixth time. The holiday is also known as the “Birthday of the European University,” or “EU Day.”

On this day the university community remembers the events of 2008, when EUSP found itself on the verge of closure due to violations of the fire-safety code. The first celebration was held on the day when the university resumed work after two months of fierce combat and the elimination of code violations. Since then every year in March professors, alumni, students, and friends of the university gather in order to remember the events of that time and commemorate the University’s rebirth.

A traditional and integral part to the celebration is a screening of a documentary titled “Pugovka,” made by Department of Anthropology professor Ilya Utekhin during the events of 2008. “Pugovka” tells the story of the struggle for the University after its closure, the media coverage of the events, and the conflict’s happy resolution with the restoration of the EUSP’s activities. The film, which exists in various languages, is shown every year at “EU Day.” For young members of the community it provides an opportunity to interact with the university’s history and mythology. For older members, it is an opportunity to remember the old days and re-live dulled memories. Last year the film, which had already become a legend in the university, fell victim to a satire by the Student Council. Inspired by “Pugovka,” “Anti-Pugovka” was an alternative version of events.

After the screening attendees heard a ritual fire alarm, which Vice-Rector for General Affairs Leonid Ravnushkin used to announce the evacuation of the building. By tradition a procession on the street in front of the university, led by former and current rectors Nikolai Vahktin and Oleg Kharkhordin, unwound a fire-hose (colloquially known as “the hose”) and ceremoniously brought it into the building, thus marking the elimination of the deficiencies identified by the fire inspectors.

Then rector of the Higher School of Economics, Yaroslav Kuzminov delivered an honored guest lecture. In his speech on academic freedom, Dr. Kuzminov drew attention to the inherent nature of university autonomy and wished that our university continue to be faithful to this tradition.

The celebration continued with the traditional awarding of crystal snails, given to the best students and university staff. This custom began soon after the fire crisis. The snail is the symbol and logo of the University and was designed to mark both academic achievement and contribution to social activities. Deans of all departments, representatives of the alumni association, research centers and university administration awarded snails to the most worthy. One recipient was Dmitriy Skugarevsky, an associate researcher at the Institute for the Rule of Law. He received the prize and congratulations remotely and addressed the meeting via videoconference.

The celebration was concluded with the congratulations of the EUSP’s Student Council. This year its members prepared the first edition of the newspaper “Print Organ,” which ironically describes university life from a student’s point of view and also shows some humorous videos based on a survey of university staff and students.

Upon the completion of the celebration guests enjoyed a reception in the Gold Hall and pleasant conversation with colleagues and friends.

Andrian Vlakhov