Seminar on Economics of Natural Gas

ENERPO Research Center

On October 9th, the ENERPO Research Center welcomed François Lévêque, professor at Mines-ParisTech and Director of the Chair “Economics of Natural Gas”, who presented his work on the natural gas competition: the case of Gazprom against US LNG and the EU antitrust law. The research fellow of the Chair, Ekaterina Dukhanina, also PhD candidate at Mines-ParisTech, presented her work on the integration of the natural gas market. 

Prof. Lévêque also discussed the future of gas imports in Europe, touching upon several scenarios including the drop in demand resulting from EU policies of decarbonization, as well as the antitrust case opposing Gazprom and the European Commission. He gave a comprehensive overview of the lawsuit and the settlement that took place in May 2018, going upon commitments, possible failure or implementations to be carried on.

Secondly, Ekaterina Dukhanina gave a presentation of the Chair “Economics of natural Gas”, which is the first research center on the field of energies through an economical approach. She then briefly described her area of research which is spatial integration of the natural gas market using a methodology based on theoretical notions of market integration used to test efficiency of energy policies.

Professor of economics at Mines ParisTech, François Lévêque is also part-time professor at the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies (European University Institute, Florence School of Regulation). His research, teaching and consulting interests are in the areas of antitrust, energy, intellectual property rights and network regulation. François Lévêque is head of the Chair on The Economics of Natural Gas at Mines-ParisTech.

Ekaterina Dukhanina is writting her thesis at the Chair of Natural Gas Economics at MINES ParisTech in collaboration with the IFP School (Institut Français du Pétrole - French Institute of Petroleum). She conducts her research in the gas and LNG sector, particularly on the spatial integration of markets.

MINES ParisTech, the École des Mines de Paris, is one of the oldest French higher education institutions in engineering. The school excels in five major engineering fields of which Energy and process engineering.

The Chair of Research and Education on "The Economics of Natural Gas" is a joint initiative of Paris Dauphine-PSL University, IFPEN, Mines-ParisTech-PSL University, Toulouse School of Economics and The German Institute for Economic Research. The objective of the Chair is to promote research and education on the economics of natural gas.

Useful links :

Mines-ParisTech :

Chair The Economics of Natural Gas :
